Well, it's day 2 of Project No Weigh. I had no difficulty ignoring it this morning. I usually never weigh after I have started eating or drinking for the day. So, I just need to start the day with a big glass of water and my urge to weigh passes.
I am packing today and leaving tomorrow to go "home" ti work in my main office. That is 900+ miles away. The interesting thing is that I will be staying with my parents during my time there and my mom is the best cook! I have survived on MF with the aid of my DH....who has been OK with us not keeping certain items in the house. I will now be faced with many of the old temptations. But, I am not too concernted...I feel a different sense of control over those things. I have already decided I will not succumb to them.
My mom is also very supportive and I plan to tell her specifcally what I will and will not be eating while I am at home. Therefore, she can still let her creative juices flow...but in the arena of fresh garden veggies and salads and such. I am planning to really capitalize on the veggies as my dad grows a huge garden and I have missed that, since I now live away.
I am always quite busy when I am home...spending 10-11 hours per day at the office and then seeing fammily and friends at other times. That will assist me staying on plan. Also, I will be able to have my beloved snow cones while I am at home! Noone here has seemed to be excited about them...but, that is obviously just because you have not experienced what I am speaking of. SO, I need to plan a big Sugar Free snow cone party and have all of you come taste and then you would know!!

Marguerita Sunrise.....Mm-m-m- or Cherry Lime Squeeze...both those have the SF syrup and then a drizzle of fresh Lime or Lemon juice over the top...Great treat in the heat!!! I will have one every afternoon...at least! I will also pick up some Stirling syrups....that is the brand of coffee syrup we use becaue the flavors are so realistic. They just changed their formula last year to Splenda and 0 cals/carbs....and have more flavors. So...I will be stocking up!
I will be checking in, but not as often and I may be doing more reading than writing. So...meanwhile...I will be watching for all my Project No Weigh Buddies...stand firm!!! We can do this! And for all the valiant MF'ers who are continuing the journey....all my best to each of you.
And now...I need to go and check on my MF order...it was supposed to come today and I need it to stock up for my time away. Yay...choc RTD's! Yay Case of oatmeal!!!!
Till later.....