Introducing Myself

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Introducing Myself

Postby Aviatorno1 » April 7th, 2006, 8:26 am

Hi everyone.

My name is Doug and I live in Orange, Texas.

I started the diet Sunday and weighed 209. I have done the 6 - 0 plan. I have not strayed from the diet one bit. As of this morning, I weigh 201.

I had been around 160-170 for most of my life. My weight has been as high as 230 lbs. I gained the weight after my mother and mother-in-law died within 6 months of each other. The weight gain has been further complicated by the fact that I have Crohn's Disease and high blood pressure. The BP and Crohn's meds really take a lot of the wind out of my sails, so exercising has been difficult. As my weigh increased, it has become even harder. When Hurricane Rita hit, I really felt it. There was so much to do and I couldn't keep up.

I have been mainly on low carb Atkin's type diets, but burned out before I could get all of the weight off. I decided to quit fooling around with this issue. I want to lose the weight in the hopes that I can begin exercising and decrease/eliminate by blood pressure medicine.

Medifast provides a structured disciplined way to do that. So I decided that I was going to follow the diet religiously for 90 days and see where I end up. I suspect that I will have the weight off in a shorter period of time.

What I have learned so far is:

1. Dieting is not easy. If it were, people would not be fat. I am going to get hungry, but about the time that I do, it is almost time for another shake, so I can handle it. I am now eating to lose weight, not be entertained or to cope with life.

2. I now associate food with the feeling of hunger. I used to eat for entertainment (SE Texas cajun and mexican food is some of the best). The diet has forced me to reexamine why I eat. In that way, the fact that I feel some hunger has been beneficial. It tells me that my body needs more fuel and I know that it is getting that fuel from stored fat. I am also getting used to living with the feeling of hunger. Hunger is a natural and beneficial state experienced by all of God's creatures. Of all the living things that exist in the world, i guarantee that 90% of those creatures are experiencing hunger right now. With me, I seemed to develop an aversion to hunger such that I owuld avoid it's discomfort at all costs. This is unnatural and unhealthy. Overfeeding any animal will cause it to grow sick and die. Overfeeding me, will do the same.

3. It is easier not to cheat at all, than to try to eat a pinch of off limit stuff from time to time. In my other dieting efforts, that's where I failed. If I just stick religuosly to the diet, the weight will come off. The sooner I reach my goal weight, the sooner I can incorporate some of these fun foods back into my diet (within reason).

4. Because of my Crohn's Disease, I have been in the position where I was literally 210 lbs one week and 185 ten days later (after a flare up). That is a sharp enough contrast that I can really tell the difference in energy at the two weights. I also noticed a significant difference in the way I was treated by co-workers, family and strangers. Anyone who believes that society does not discriminate against fat (yes, I am fat) people, is ill informed. I've been fat and I've been thin. I know there is a difference.

I made the decision in Janaury to reclaim my health. I am now following the prescribed treatment for my Crohn's and feel better. I also talk regularly with my doctor (a personal friend) and my pharmacist (another friend) and am affirmatively taking steps to manage and improve my health. I intend to, and will, follow the prescribed medifast diet for the next 90 days and evaluate the results then, and then only. I will also take the program one day at a time. Each morning I mkae a new resolution that I will not worry about tomorrow but I will, at least for today, stick religously to this diet plan. Like AA, I am taking it one day at at a time.

I must do this. No one and nothing can do it for me. When people intentiionally and unintentionally say or do things to sabotage my weight loss efforts, I must have the courage to tell them "No."

I have finally found that courage and it is empowering.


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Postby Arklahoma » April 7th, 2006, 8:49 am

AviatorNo1 ... Welcome to the group. I hope that you'll register on the site and become a valuable member of our forum. Sounds like you've had your head in the game for some time and are now able to Just Do It. Your observations are very wise and I look forward to watching you shrink over the next 90 days.

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Postby RoleModel_Mom » April 7th, 2006, 9:03 am

Hello Doug,

Welcome. Your introduction post is very inspirational. I am sure with that kind of inspiration, you will be at your goal in no time.

Happy Medifasting!

<img border="0" src=";10720;96;0;0/c/-15/t/-70/k/a6da/weight.png">

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Postby falisamarie » April 7th, 2006, 10:11 am

Very inspiring and wise! We have a couple of great guys here on the forum and I am sure they will be along soon to welcome you aboard!

Do not be surprised if your hunger totally subsides though cause after about a week on program I hardly ever felt any hunger at all.

Now I forget to eat where before I would forget to stop! :roflmao:

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Postby Seaside » April 7th, 2006, 10:27 am

Dear Doug, It is nice to meet you and to hear your story. I sympathize completely; losing loved ones like that is so stressful that it is so hard to cope. It's never easy, but sometimes it seems like a test.

Fat people ARE discriminated against and I don't think it is going to get better -- people's attitudes might change but you can bet that insurance companies etc are going to start (they already have) discriminating against people who are overweight.

The people on this forum, including our moderators, are wonderful motivators and they've been where you are at now. We're rooting for you and I hope to hear from you more.
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Postby Crystal » April 7th, 2006, 10:35 am

Wow, Doug! What a great post! I am glad that you have found us, and I look forward to seeing you around the forum!
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Postby Shana » April 7th, 2006, 11:09 am

Hi Doug,
What a wonderful first post! You're going to do GREAT!

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Postby Tiolazz » April 7th, 2006, 12:27 pm

Welcome Doug.....

What an inspirational first post, really look forward to hearing more from you.

I like you, just started recently and for mostly the same reasons, and yes, I too am Fat.... and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Good luck on your journey, we are all here to help, listen or whatever you may need on your journey.

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Postby Ct. Yankee » April 7th, 2006, 1:08 pm


What a positive attitude you have about losing weight! Seven years ago, I stopped smoking and the advice I was given was to worry about getting through today, smoke-free. And, tomorrow would present another challenge to do well, again. I am using the same plan for my Medifast journey, and, if I do well one day at a time, then good health will be our greatest reward!

I just started the program a week and a half ago, and the advice and friendship you will find on this forum, is like none else! There is always an encouraging word to be had, a problem to be solved, and maybe a better way of doing things.

Lisa, in Orlando, says it all in one word "MEDIFAITH" Great word, Lisa, thanks!!
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Postby sheila » April 7th, 2006, 1:56 pm

Hi Doug! Nice to "meet" you. Thanks for taking the time to write such a great post. I look forward to hearing more of your inspiring words. Just this week my hubby decided to join MF he is already down 3 lbs for the week. YAY! He is a Marine, so there is a lot of pressure on him to be under a certain weight. Either you are under the weight, or they measure your body fat. He is always so stressed out when they have to measure his body fat, worried that he is over. Now, he is on the right track, and for the 1st time in his career, MF is going to help him get under his max, and he wont have to worry about it anymore.
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Postby Nancy » April 7th, 2006, 2:32 pm

Welcome to you, Aviatorno1 ~

I loved reading your reasons for seeking weight loss and health gains!

Yep, this Take Shape For Life Program is about so many positive things - attaining improved health is worth it and until we have a health crisis, we don't always realize how nice it is to feel good. Like you, I used food for all sorts of reasons and not all of them were for fuel - now I know better and make better choices.

We do indeed live in a fat prejudiced society...we are constantly bombarded with food commercials and practically attacked and dragged in by the belt tabs to sit at the table of the neighborhood restaurants. This is not an easy task but with each Medipacket we eat, we grow in our self-confidence and commitment to stick to the plan. You can radically improve the state of your health over the next 90 days and it is my hope that you will want to continue to eat 6 times a day and drink a bathtub full of water a day for the rest of your healthier life!

You commitment to the program, Doug will keep you on the path to optimal health. We are glad that you have decided to join us – we are raising our shaker jar to your success! :cheers:

Sheila, it is neat that your husband is joining you – he will be so glad when he is able to effortlessly stay within the weight guidelines for the Marines – it will eliminate a lot of pressure for him, I’m sure.

I was visiting with a friend of mine last weekend who is a police sergeant. I asked if the officers are required to meet fitness tests and sadly enough, they are no longer required to do so each month. He said a number of officers have Type 2 diabetes and are 30 or more pounds overweight. I hope that if I need assistance, that one of the fit and strong officers responds to my needs!
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Postby dede4wd » April 7th, 2006, 8:57 pm

Hi Doug,

Glad to "meet" you :wave:

Your post was awesome! You're going to do GREAT! Glad to have you, welcome to the shakers!


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Postby Lizabette » April 7th, 2006, 9:40 pm


I salute you, sir! Your comittment and determination to take control of your life and health are commendable to say the least.

We promise that your courage to take on 90 days of MF will be rewarded with some fantastic results!

We'd like to share in your success,

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Postby Nancy » April 8th, 2006, 7:50 am

Doug ~

Just look at that Lizabette...she's halfway to her goal already! If she can do it, we can do it, too!

P.S. Lil' Lizabette, it's time to change your by-line down there from the 20 Pound to the 30 Pound Club because you can!
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Postby Lizabette » April 8th, 2006, 8:15 am


Good to have someone around watching out for you! :shock:

'specially you!

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