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Postby Debby » January 3rd, 2004, 9:30 am

Dear Dee,

Welcome! Your gonna do this! We are all here for you!!!! :-P I'm on day 8. I think days 1 - 6 were the toughest for me - or maybe it was just the holidays....hmmmm Anyway, pickles - big, dill pickles - the kind that make you pucker, really worked for me, when I had cravings. It seemed like day 7 was the turning point for me - I lost 5.5 pounds the first week!!

However, I believe the scale is definetely gonna bring you down if you keep running to it. Somedays your scale may not move down, the way you expect it to, and I know, sometimes -- in the past, that was carte blanc for me to throw my hands up in the air and hit the taco shop! Sooooooo, my best advice to you is, go to your bathroom right now, and get your scale and put it up high - like on a shelf in your garage, and don't take it down until day 7. Then you can weigh yourself, giggle alot and put it right back :-P

Keep us posted!!!

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 3rd, 2004, 10:41 am

Great post Deb,
It really gets you nowhere to get too obsessed with watching the scales. Once a week is plenty.

As to your frozen shakes, there's nothing wrong with playing around with recipes and creative ways to use the products. If you want to try freezing one and knawing on it, give it a whirl.

I know Mike is a Medifast Purist, and it's worked fantastic for him, there's others that might want and need some variety to keep motivated.

Keep us posted,
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hi ,deeand meca

Postby susan » January 4th, 2004, 12:07 pm

welcome and just hang in there it gets better.
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Re: Thanks Mike

Postby explorthis » January 5th, 2004, 7:56 am

Deedle wrote:Mike - I can't thank you enough - It sounds so stupid - I'm sitting here crying over your posts. You really are a great motivator. I'm on day 2 here, and just can't seem to keep myself away from either the scale, or staring at the empty fridge


Thanks all for the vote(s) of confidence for my posts... Funny, I just post for support, and friendship, as we are in the same boat. I never thought of myself as a motvator. Nothing like making a guys head bigger than it already is... THANKS!!!

As for Tim seeing I am close to the 100 mark.. this is true. I have not weighed in about a week.... I started at a svelt (yeah right) 337. last week I was at 243-244. Was like last Thurs, I trapped the scale in the corner with a stick, right out of the shower, it tried to run when it saw me nude (I tried to run also) but I did corner it. I weighed NUDE (gasp) and I was at 237 - this was nude mind you - I could actually look down, and not around Mr. Fatty's belly and actually see the numbers on the scale (WOWOW). Remember, I started in the Dr.s Office with Jean shorts on, undies, my Walmart boots, and a 4X tee shirt. I know I am not far away from the true 100# loss... Soon...

Medifast is the only weight loss management program that I would pitch on a commercial for FREE. I never get tired of the comments and questions about the loss... Truly amazing how this works.

If I could allow just one person to feel the way that I do, after losing this weight, it would be all worth while. Truly ORGASMIC! I can think of nothing - I MEAN NOTHING that feels better. I am now in a 40# waist pants, where beforeI began I was in a 48-50" waist, now in a loose 40...

Life is good, I wish you all the same as I feel!!


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Hi Mike

Postby star85 » January 5th, 2004, 8:32 am

Mike it was good to see you posting again. I was wondering were you have been. I loved reading your posts even before I joined the message boards or started the program. Congratulations on all your success. You're so inspiring and you are just too funny! I crack up at some of your posts. Keep up the great work! (which I know you definitely will).
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