
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby Serendipity » December 19th, 2005, 3:49 pm

Hi everyone,

Has anyone had any luck with insurance covering Medifast? I'm wondering for a friend who can't afford the supplements.

In the mean time, I told her to add up what she spends on food for herself in a month because I think she would be surprised at how much her food really costs.
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Postby big ron » December 19th, 2005, 5:28 pm

I have never had the insurance pick up the suppliments. They would only pick up the Doctor visits. They view the suppliments as over the counter and food. In order for them to pick up the doctors visits I had to qualify which was one thing I didnt have a problem doing unfortunately. You are right if she backs out what she spends on food,restaraunts,bars etc she may save money if she is honist with herself. Happy shakin Ron :buddies:
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Postby Nancy » December 19th, 2005, 8:31 pm

Jo, I know of a few people who were reimbursed for part of their food costs through their work but I am not sure what insurance company they had - I believe it was the wellness program for their business that actually paid for their food. Perhaps others will share their experiences.

Ron, you are right - the vending machine visits, trips to the coffee shops, restaurants, drive-ups, grocery stores, etc. all adds up - plus we tend to spend money impulsively when we make those stops, too.
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