I wanted to wish you a safe and blessed Independence Day.
Good news from TSFL, the company has dropped the price of the Ready To Drinks from $69.95 to $64.95 per case of 24 and for people who are in the BeSlim Club, your discount will make an especially nice savings.
The RTDs are heavy and costly to ship; if your BeSlim Club order is over $200 AFTER the discount is subtracted, you will receive free shipping. When placing your BeSlim Club orders, it is necessary to consider how your accrued discount will affect the bottom line cost of your order.

Holidays and weekends can pose challenges for people that are new to the weight loss phase of the TSFL program or for folks that are nearing their goal – sometimes when we get so close to our healthy weight we can

There are some that really struggle to get back on the program - I urge you to remain commnitted to your goal and to your health. There will be more picnics and other opportunities to scarf. Every day is filled with

If you have plans to be with family and friends this weekend, be realistic in your thinking – there WILL be juicy-looking food, fabulous drinks/beer/wine and even some people that can attempt to sabotage you from reaching your healthiest best. Some people do not want you to look better than they do, they do not want you to be thinner than they are...stand firm; this is about your health.
Be sure to eat your Medifast meal replacements at the regularly scheduled intervals, drink all the water you need to keep your body satisfied and well- hydrated.
If there is something on the table that you cannot live without and you have access to it only once or twice a year such as fresh strawberry shortcake or pulled pork, take a very small amount. Sniff it, taste it, chew thoroughly, drink plenty of water in between bites and determine to make this a one-time single off-program meal experience, when the event is over, go back to your regular 5 & 1 meal plan and do not skip a meal replacement to ‘make up’ for the non-program foods.
Take a vegetable platter with celery, cucumber, zucchini and crunchy romaine lettuce with some fresh salsa – that way, when others are munching out on carb-laden corn chips or fatty tater chips and Ranch Dip, you can have something crunchy and healthy to munch on.
Stay away from the food table, keep your back to it so you don’t see it! Outta sight, outta mind and outta the mouth...
just think about how pleased you will be when you step on the scale on Monday.
You’ve been to picnics and barbecues before, you know exactly how the hot dogs, potato salad and burgers will taste.
They taste the same as the last time you had them and they will still be around when you are at your goal weight if you choose to have them at that time.

Just remember what I always say, Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

BTW, I will be in Scottsdale, Arizona at the national TSFL convention Sunday July 5-12th, 2009. If you need assistance with anything, send an email directly to me Nancy at MakeMeThinner dot com rather than sending a Private Message through the MakeMeThinner Forum as they are very difficult for me to access through my phone.
I can easily read email on my phone or leave a voicemail message and I will get back with you as soon as I can.
I believe in you!