6.5 Inches Lost in 5 Weeks!

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

6.5 Inches Lost in 5 Weeks!

Postby Ria » June 29th, 2004, 7:45 am

Hello Everyone,

I have not weighed in a couple weeks but I wanted to share with you that I have lost a whopping 7 inches since I started the MedFast program five weeks ago. :shock: I dont think that I could have gotten the same results on any other program in so short a time.

My size 12s are all gone FOREVER, 10s are getting looser every day and I am slowly pulling out my nice suits that I have not been able to wear in years.

I cant wait to see the measurements for Week 10! I will continue my daily feedings of 3 shakes, 1 bar, 1 soup, 1 lean/green meal, 1 pk crackers for those tough days and 45 min aerobic activity 4-5 days per week.

I have not weighed in 2 weeks because of the PMS factor. With these measurements today I think I can wait another two weeks before I weigh, dont you? Lets keep going team!!!

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Postby justme » June 29th, 2004, 7:54 am

Way to go Ria!! That is good you aren't being a slave to that scale. I actually had to get mine outta sight...ya know "outta sight outta mind" well that worked so well I :nutz: forgot to even weigh in today. Ugh but I think I will join the rest of the group and change my weigh in date to Sunday's. I am so happy for you! :cleader: Congrats!

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Postby Echo » June 29th, 2004, 9:18 am

Ria, you rock! You are my incredible shrinking weight loss partner. I'm so proud of you! :bow:
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