Important BeSlim Club Info

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Important BeSlim Club Info

Postby Nancy » May 16th, 2006, 9:36 am

Since there have been a number of Newbies joining us recently, we want to remind you about the benefits of joining the BeSlim™ Club and how it works.

The BeSlim™ Club is a sure way to incorporate the BeSlim™ philosophy and help you to reach optimal health and then to stay there for the rest of your thinny days. :yippee:

BeSlim™ is a health-oriented acronym based on the methods used by successful weight managers on the National Weight Loss Registry.

B reakfast everyday :eat:
E xercise :weightlift:
S upport (from your Health Advisor and you wonderful MakeMeThinner Folks!) :hug:
L ow-fat meals eaten 5-6 times daily :chef:
I ndividual Plan :hmmm:
M onitoring (on-going assessment of your progress/maintenance of the program)) :yes:

Just What is the BeSlim™ Club? :huh:

The BeSlim™ Club is a progressive savings program for purchasing Medifast Meals monthly.

An integral component to living the BeSlim™ philosophy, the BeSlim™ Club is a convenient, simple way to schedule automatic monthly shipments of Medifast Meals, and it saves money, too! :yay:

Each month, on the day that you pre-determine, your pre-selected products are processed and shipped to you the following business day. As a reward for your monthly order, you receive savings on your products each time you order:

• In the first 1-3 months that you are a BeSlim™ Club member, you enjoy a 5% savings on your orders.

• During months 4-6, you enjoy 8% savings.

• From the 7th month on, you enjoy 12% savings on products ordered through the BeSlim™ Club.

:secret: Remember, clients and Health Advisors pay the same price for Medifast Meals. Enrolling in the BeSlim™ Club is a reward for purchasing Medifast Meals monthly and living the BeSlimTM philosophy.

How to Enroll in the BeSlim™ Club:

Simply call the Client Contact Center on the dedicated BeSlim™ Club toll-free line at 1-866-200-6715 or enroll through the regular client order line at 1-800-572-4417 and ask to enroll in the BeSlim™ Club.

Helpful Advice When Enrolling in the BeSlim™ Club:
You will be asked what day you want your products processed each month.

You may select any day from Day 1 – Day 28 of the month.

For example, you can choose to have your BeSlim™ Club order processed on the 1st day of the month, the 15th of the month, the 20th of the month, or any other day, up until the 28th day of the month.

(Please see note below regarding current BeSlim™ Club members whose processing date falls on the 29th, 30th, or 31st days of the month.)

Information about Your Monthly Shipment from the BeSlim™ Club:

• You may select any products you wish from our wide variety of Medifast Meals.
• BeSlim™ Club orders must total $75.00 or more (prior to shipping) to qualify for the savings.
• Shipment of your order occurs the next business day following your “process date”.
Orders over $200 enjoy free shipping.
• You may opt out or suspend your BeSlim™ Club order for one month without losing your discount.
• You may make changes to your monthly order; however, changes and cancellations must be called in 48 hours prior to the process date, to ensure proper administration.

• [color= red] Changes cannot be made online. They must be called in to the Client Contact Center at 1-800-572-4417. [/color]

• Process dates which fall on a weekend or on a holiday will be processed on the next business day.
• Cash on Account may be applied to a BeSlim™ Club order!

Important Recent Changes to the BeSlim™ Club:
• TSFL currently processes BeSlim™ Club orders ONLY on days 1-28 each month. Clients who selected the 29th, 30th, and 31st days of the month for their process date are being contacted by TSFL.
• They will need to select a new process date. Since February has 28 days and some months have 30 and others 31 days, Take Shape For Life has now standardized the process dates and we may select only days 1-28 of any given month for our orders to process.

The BeSlim™ Club is a great way to live the BeSlim™ philosophy of lifelong weight control.

BeSlim™ for Life!
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Postby Serendipity » May 16th, 2006, 9:46 am


Just one question. Why do we have to call with changes? It's so much more convenient to just do it on line and I'm very careful to make sure I do it within plenty of time so that I don't miss out on the discount. Popping online and making the change takes about 3-4 minutes. Inquiring minds want to know. :puter:
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Postby Nancy » May 16th, 2006, 10:18 am

Jo ~

You are one of the few that knows how to do it online and so far you have been blessed to have no problems with your orders...TSFL is in the process of updating their ITS system and there will be a more user-friendly Back Office by summer's end. Until then I recommend that people phone in the changes to their BeSlim order rather than doing it online.

You are also very techno-savvy, Jo...
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Postby dede4wd » May 16th, 2006, 10:09 pm

I learned the hard way if you cancel your online beslim club order and make a new one right make start over at the month one 5% discount!

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Re: Hi

Postby MusicalMomma » May 17th, 2006, 7:30 am

dede4wd wrote:Also,
I learned the hard way if you cancel your online beslim club order and make a new one right make start over at the month one 5% discount!


I wondered about that!!! Thanks for letting clarifying that :)
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Postby Serendipity » May 17th, 2006, 12:03 pm

Hmmmm, that didn't happen to me. Of course when I read what you said, Dede, I went to check my discount and it was correct. I've changed my order many times....I'm just a little fickle, lol. The only thing I can think of that it could be is that if you change the date to a date longer than 28 days, the discount would be forfeited???
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Postby Nancy » May 17th, 2006, 11:21 pm

Yup, when a person changes the charge date, they risk losing their discount 'seniority.'

Sometimes it works properly when changes to BeSlim Club orders are made online but most times it does not. It is BEST to do it by phone. When the new software in enabled, we will find that it will be more user-friendly. The Shopping Cart will also improve.

I know it is nice for clients to be able to make the changes to their BeSlim Club order at the time of their own choosing; it is not always convenient for us to call during TSFL's business hours. Soon we will be able to do so online 24/7 but until we can…be vewy vewy cawefwull!
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Postby Ketann » May 26th, 2006, 10:53 am

I want to join the Be Slim Club, however I won't need anymore food til around the first of July. Should I wait to join then?
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Postby dede4wd » May 26th, 2006, 12:10 pm

If you are going to call in your BeSlim club order to TSFL, I'm sure you can set your starting shipping date on July 1, if you're going to do it online, you may want to wait until AFTER June 1st, so you don't get your food shipped on June 1 when you don't need it.

Also, talk to your Health Advisor, they can probably get you all set up too!

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Postby Nancy » May 26th, 2006, 1:51 pm

Thank you, DeDe for helping Ketann. Excatly right - if you set it up before June 1st for the 1st, it would come out on June'd be knee-deep in Medigrub!
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Postby Ketann » May 26th, 2006, 3:22 pm

Thank you both. I'll wait til after the first to set up :).

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