Is it my imagination or am I seeing an amazingly high rate of success on this forum? It seems to me that most of us are dropping huge amounts of weight. But even more than that, the morale is just phenominal! I've been on this forum for 6 months. When I came, there were maybe 10 posts/day. I almost left because it was so quiet.
I may not be pulling my weight (pun intended) So many of you are so inspirational. Thank you for having so much entheusiasm and for helping to keep this forum alive.
Let's keep on shakin' until we have to rename the forum "" Please Mr. Snippy, this isn't a real url, hehe.
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
Serendipity, My friend i feel like we made this trip together , but i know what you mean about the way things used to be and now we are I love all the new people and the success ,entheusiasm its great
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!
Yeah it was kinda quiet when I joined, but it's possible all my blabber livened it up some, then more people came to blabber with, then more, then more... LOL. Falisamarie is a big poster too! She posts the most I think hehe.
I totally agree that this forum is great and don't know what I would do without it. I didn't get this much support from all the times I joined Weight Watchers and went to meetings. All you big losers keep us newbies inspired by your success!
You're so right! I can't believe it if I'm away from the boards for only a few hours and there's PLENTY to read and respond to when I get back! I love you guys!
We really are like that cell phone commercial where the "network" follows each of us around and supports us! It's wonderful! I mean I KNOW I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't have my own National Cheerleading Squad!
One reason for the increase of the people on the forum now is the advertising that Medifast is investing in now. I know that I have seen the medifast commericial on tv and in magazines a lot lately, and until I saw it in March, I was not even aware of this diet plan...
Thank God they spent that money... Or I would still be 20lbs, Yup, that's right 20lbs heavier... whoooooo hooooooooo.
and there are some nice people who see the posts on the medifast site, and then they email people to tell them about this site, at least that is how I found out.... (Thanks Geri, your a doll, and you have no idea how much I owe you for that, I truly believe that I would have already failed had it not been for the difference that this forum and support that is offered here gives me)....
sooooo, that is why there are so many more of us....
I don't know how it was before, but I know that this forum, Nancy and Terry, and all of you rock....
Thanks for welcoming all of us newbies into your world so graciously and making us feel so welcome...
I know that this would be so much harder to stick with if it weren't for all you guys and all your words of encouragement and support. I think this board and the people here are very much like a family in that we do not always agree but we are always there for each other when we need support.
There is NO WAY I would be able to stick with the program without the support of everyone on this board. I get no support at home or at work so this is my only boost of the day
Thanks to all of you wonderful people for cheering everyone on
I think that there are several contributing factors, advertising, the annual New Year's Resolution crowd, of which I am one, and word of mouth. I'm really happy that this forum has been there for me when I needed help staying on plan and I hope that some of my posts have been helpful to others. I know that I like the friendly banter and posting of successes and challenges that we all face in our quests of healthier lifestyles. I've lost a little over 80lbs so far, I'm the healthiest that I've been in at least 15 years, and I know that I WILL reach my goal weight later this summer.
Have a great day and stay focused on what you want out of MediFast.
I"m sooooo glad I was introduced to this forum (thank's DEDE) I was just on the regular Medifast1 site, but not enough posters and not a 'real' forum that you could respond to.
I saw a medifast webad is how i fould MF - totally random.
Start Date: September 17, 2006!!!!
DH also on MF, Kids Are 12 and 10 - and of course OAKLEY the dog :-)
I am so glad that we have one another here for the support and encouragement! I was doing a lot of research on diet plans and Medifast before I found this forum and I was really impressed by all of your posts and the support you gave to one another. I was also very impressed with Nancy, Terry, and Unca -- they truly have a heart for Medifast and helping others and I believe this is all part of their ministry.
This forum is what made me pick up the phone and find Becky, my health advisor. Thanks to all I'm healthier and happier and almost 25 pounds lighter!
Bobbi RE-start date: 10/27/06 (33lbs lost; 12 gained=21 lost on MF prior to re-start)