Hurricane Dennis--

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Postby dlr2424 » July 11th, 2005, 3:17 pm

Martha.... :hug: .....I so admire you for taking care of your Mom 24/7...... :scratch: .....I don't know that I would want to do that..... :oops: .....or if I did I think I would be somewhat resentful..... :huh: ......Shame on me for feeling like that but i'm just being honest........ :hide: patience would run thin.... :brickwall: ......God has a very special place for you in the heavens........ :angel: ....when you arrive there it will be your time for pampering....... :mrgreen: .......and I agree with you... :yes: ...this forum is therapy.... :yay: least for me it is............God's way of reaching us through others via the internet........ :mrgreen: ..........

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Postby LuzInIt » July 11th, 2005, 3:23 pm

Martha, it is so good to hear you are safe and back home. I couldn't stop thinking about you; everytime an update map came on the TV about "Dennis", I would jump to the screen and point to where you are in Mississippi. I'd say "that's where my friend Martha lives, pray for her and her home". Of course, I'd get the question "How do you know Martha way down there in Mississippi?" and I'd say we belong to a club of the nicest bunch of losers you'd ever want to meet! (Of course, my family knew exactly what I was talking about :lol: ). Sounds like you really got a workout. You, my dear, are an extraordinary person. Having been with my mom for just a short period of time (about six months) compared to your situation, I so admire your patience and dedication. You deserve so much praise, and I know you don't receive nearly what you deserve. Come here whenever you need an online hug - we'll be waiting to give you all the lovin' you need!
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Postby Nancy » July 11th, 2005, 11:28 pm

Dear Martha, oh we are so happy to read that you are safe! We had company last night and after they left, we watched FOX and CNN. I thought of you and your Mama.

When I get old and infirm, I want a daughter just like you to take care of me.

What a dear lady you are!

It is not an easy task - my Grammy needed lots of care and we provided it for 5 years. One's life changes radically when caring for a loved one but bless your heart - we love you for being who you are!

You are fully committed to your program - NOTHING can deter you now!
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Postby martha » July 12th, 2005, 8:00 am

Thanks everyone for caring about us.. It feels good to know you all care..
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Luzinit, Nancy and Donna-- Yes it is hard taking care of mom.. our lives have changed so much with this added responsibility.. when mom first came to us she was bed ridden then got better and we put her and dad in a double wide next to us..this was pretty easy(13 or so years ago) then dad got colon cancer and I had him for 4 years at home before he passed in my arms.. I must tell you I still miss him and wouldn't trade those 4 years for anything.. BUT mom got worse after he died and especially after the bypass surgery.. We sold our home and moved in when told maybe 6months to a year..well its been years since then and I must tell you it is not easy.. she has her days and lately i have been having mine.. Donna - I am no angel by a long shot.. not only did I put on over 100 # since moving in but lately I get mad aobut things and then I feel HORRIBLE!! how can a daughter feel so mad about the things my poor mom needs--she is like an invalid with Doug and I but not so bad when the others are here..go figure :D somedays there are feelings of resentfulness and I hate those too. But as Nancy said our lives are changed..thank all of you for caring and yes I am committed to this program and alot of it has to do with all of you and your BIG HEARTS opening up to me.. to be 50 and still not be in control of your own life is harder than I thought but you all make it more enjoyable with each passing day..please don't feel I don't want to take care of mom I do but it is hard at times..Dad was alot more pleasant to deal with--Thanks again to all of you for caring--Martha
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Postby dlr2424 » July 12th, 2005, 1:40 pm

Martha...... :no: ......I would never think you wouldn't want to take care of your Mom........ :hmmm: ............I would want to take care of my Mom as well............HOWEVER....... :scratch: ....I wish I could say I would be pleasently devouted to her needs....... :rollrolleyes: ......NOT....NADDA....DON'T THINK SO..... :dunno: .......I wish but I know I can only be patient for so long and then......... :redhead: ..........(at least with my Mom......who mind you I love to death but who also can drive me crazy)...... :nutz: if it were my Dad...(totally different personality than my Mom).......I would in a heartbeat.... :heart: ......I guess those feelings are all normal........ :huh: ......It doesn't mean I love them any more or less...........just that my humaness would come out..... :aarggh: .....Life is filled with many blessings and challenges..........and sometimes our challenges do become a blessing..... :yes: anytime you need to VENT (totally normal)..........I have lots of hugs for you........ :hug: .......


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