by 24KaratGold » April 4th, 2005, 6:52 pm
Hi tweets, and welcome to the forum.
What you should do is have another shake, or other Medifast product, three hours after eating dinner.
It's not clear to me from your post exactly what you are eating here. It sounds like you are saying you have two shakes at 7:30 and two at 10:30. If that's the case, you shouldn't really be doubling your meals up the way that you are, with two shakes twice a day. Instead, you should try to space your meals about three hours apart. If you get starvin' hungry before three hours are up, go ahead and have your next shake earlier. Three hours is a good approximation of when your blood sugar starts to dip and needs the food boost again.
On the other hand, if what you mean is that you have two shakes, one at 7:30 and one at 10:30, and then have your soup at noon and your bar at two, there's a couple of things. First, try to go a bit longer between 10:30 and noon if you can, and then have your next supplement three hours after, and then dinner two or three hours after that. Plus, and THIS IS IMPORTANT, this is the FIVE and one program, not the FOUR and one program. Don't skimp on that fifth supplement -- you need each and every nutrient and each and every calorie to prevent your body from shutting down, fearing that it is going into starvation mode.
Don't forget about the "extras" you can have, too. Two cups of buillion, three stalks of celery, two dill pickles, etc. Go over to the FAQs forum and read the posts there; they will tell you everything you can have.
And if you get really, really hungry, especially in the first week or so of the program, you can go ahead and have a sixth Medifast supplement.
Don't forget to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day (that's water, not diet sodas or coffee or whatever) -- more is better.
Good luck!