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thanks guys

Postby Joe » February 4th, 2007, 4:45 pm

Thanks, you guys are awesome. So far I'm holding strong. It's been a little bit rough today (questioning the logic of starting on Superbowl Sunday-LOL), but so far i'm successfully navigating my way around the minefield of party junk food.

I've had 3 of my MF meals so far and my lean and green, and I'm not really hungry, the junk just looks good, but I intend to stay the course. My resolve is incredibly strong, suprisingly so. I guess I'm just sick of making excuses and ready to do this.

Thanks again for the support.

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Postby bikipatra » February 4th, 2007, 5:11 pm

Joe, I started the day before Thanksgiving so I know what you mean. But take the momentum , willingness and desire while it's there! You can do it!
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Postby Nancy » February 4th, 2007, 5:38 pm

Joe ~

Ahhhh...you are so right, it IS tough when there are bags of :twisted: and bean dip in abundance!

Every time you consciously avoid the temptations, you score a touch down towards better health. You will kick off a field goal of ten pounds very soon and today’s sacrifice will mean you can wear body hugging shirts this summer and look fantastic!

I remember being with Brian last summer and he was truly enjoying his shakes and Medifast meal bars while others around him were dining on things that were on his ‘temporarily not permitted’ menu. Brian’s attitude rocked! He knew that he would have those items again some day; he set them aside at the moment for the joy that comes with reaching his goal. His goal was more important than an ordinary slighty dry dinner roll, mass-produced mashed potatoes and so-so cheesecake. Look at him now! He’s moving in on his goal.

Mike and his lovely wife visited us when they attended a TSFL conference in our area and then went out to a fantastic restaurant – the bread and dessert were temporarily set aside in favor of waist-friendlier options. They looked at the situation with a thankful heart and the next time they come to the northwest, they can indulge in those things should they want to.

Sometimes it takes a lot of muscle to lift ourselves to a healthier place.

Joe, you are becoming stronger today!
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Postby MerryMary » February 4th, 2007, 6:16 pm

Nancy wrote:Many of us are [stress eaters] - that means we eat not because our body needs fuel or because of true hunger but because of deadlines, wanting to avoid something or someone, emotional discomfort, boredom, habit (like going to a movie and downing a family size dumpster of popcorn drenched in butter-flavored oil) etc.

:roll: :popcorn: :oops:
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Re: thanks guys

Postby Lizabette » February 4th, 2007, 8:01 pm

Joe wrote:Thanks, you guys are awesome. So far I'm holding strong. It's been a little bit rough today (questioning the logic of starting on Superbowl Sunday-LOL), but so far i'm successfully navigating my way around the minefield of party junk food. Thanks again for the support. Joe
Image JOE...COME ON IN!!! If you can make it through Super Bowl Sunday, you can do anything. Image We are here for you!
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I made it through day 1!

Postby Joe » February 5th, 2007, 8:14 am

Hey all, just wanted to thank you all for supporting me so much in getting through my first day. I made it through the Superbowl junk food minefield without veering off course – tough, but very empowering. :weightlift:

I woke up this morning feeling great! I still have some minor symptoms of adapting to the diet, but I thought, this is way better than how I’d normally be feeling after a Superbowl party of too much junk food and alcohol.

I was reminded how much of the time a feel lousy from eating too much or the wrong things. It felt great to wake up this morning and know that I stayed true to my commitment (thanks in part to all of you), that I didn’t abuse my body with all the junk yesterday, and that I will look great this summer. 8)

Day 2, here I come…
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 5th, 2007, 8:48 am

Way to go Joe,
You're on the winning team.
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Postby cynben » February 5th, 2007, 9:08 am

Hi Joe. Welcome back to Medifast! I, too, am a restarter. A bit older and wiser this time around for both of us, huh? Keep us posted on your progress and let me know if you need anything.

Good luck!
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Postby Nancy » February 5th, 2007, 1:21 pm

:cleader: Hooray, Joe and Cynben! :cleader:

You both scored BIG TIME!

We're :pet: pattin' your backs for a job well done.

It feels :yippee: good to be taking control of our health, doesn't it!

You did not let the Doritos win. :no:

You are stronger than chips! :thumbig:
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Postby DonicaB » February 5th, 2007, 4:11 pm

Welcome Joe~ You have a great attitude! Congratulations on staying strong during the Super Bowl. It was a tough night for me also, but I have 2 questions I ask myself ......

1. Is this food on plan?
2. Will eating this food help me get to goal?

So far the answer has always been NO. I just really don't want anything that isn't going to help me get to my goal.

I'm looking forward to sharing in your weight loss and maintenance.

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Reflections on Day 2

Postby Joe » February 6th, 2007, 8:05 am

Hey fellow MF’s, just wanted to give you all an update. Well, I made it successfully through Day 2. As it was during my last Medifast journey, Day 2 was the most difficult for me physically. I was headachy, hungry, and grouchy. I feel like a drug addict going through withdrawal.

I also know that once I’m beyond these tough few days I will be feeling MUCH better. I can tell I’m already on the upswing as of this morning. Having to grit it out these past couple days has given me time to think about things, and here’s what I’ve concluded.

First of all, I’ve had to ask myself, given that I’ve lost weight on Medifast before and gained it back, why do I think I will be successful this time at keeping it off. I know I will be succeed because I have no false illusions about the diet, myself, and what it will take this time.

Last time I naively thought that the diet would be the hard part and that maintaining would be a ‘piece of cake’ (figuratively and literally, and pun intended). I now know that losing weight is difficult (no question), although Medifast makes it easier than anything else out there (heck, it’s the only thing that has ever worked for me). But maintaining is very difficult as well, at least for me.

I’m more ready and prepared for that this time. I know that I am a food addict (my drug of choice). I eat when I’m sad, happy, stressed, bored, …(you fill in the blanks) not to mention I just love the taste of food. So I know that this will be a LIFELONG battle for me, no matter what the number on the scale says. Just because Medifast can and will help me get to my ideal weight does not mean that food will cease to be a drug to me. But I have made the choice to not let it rule my life any more.

I had to laugh when I read Nancy’s post about ‘not letting the Doritos win’. It is kind of sad that I have to do battle with a bag of Doritos, but you know what, I do, and will have to for the rest of my life.

I will learn every trick and strategy to control this problem (not lick it, I know I never will) but definitely to manage it. I know there will be certain foods that I will NEVER be able to handle. So I won’t eat them. I know that I have to learn and practice portion control, for the rest of my life. And when I arrogantly think that I’ve licked the problem for good, I will humbly remember that food is and always will be a drug to me.

Donica, I like the questions you ask yourself. Yet another tool in my bag of tricks. Thank you.

For me the last two days it has been about making the choice to not even indulge myself in the idea of going off the plan. I’ve allowed myself that indulgence in the past. I’m sure you all know the line of thinking… “Oh, one bite wouldn’t hurt” or “boy, that would sure taste good” or just salivating over the cooking shows and fast food commercials. I won’t even let myself go there this time. I’m in a LIFELONG battle and I CHOOSE not to put myself in harms way. So, fast food commercials come on, I change the channel. Thoughts of forbidden foods or going off the plan come into my mind, I ‘change the channel’ in my head.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. We can all do this, one day, one meal at a time.
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Postby bdg » February 6th, 2007, 7:23 pm

You have the right idea and congrats on making it through the first 2 days. I hope to see a great report again about day 3 being great. KEep up the good work and keep your mind in the game, and you will continue doing great! Good luck and keep us posted.
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2007, 10:42 pm

Hey, Joe ~

How is it going for you so far?
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