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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 6th, 2006, 8:27 pm

Okay, It's time for me to do this! Today is a great day to start my journal since I hit some milestones... I got up this morning and weighed 150# making me a new member of the 20# club. I also went to the mall and tried on some size 8 jeans and the actuallly fit!

So here goes... My name is Kanani. I'm 39 years old. I am married to my sweetheart Sylvester. We have three boys: Sal (16), Christian ( 12), and Toa (3). We live in beautiful Hawaii on the island of Oahu.

I am 5'2" and started MF at 170#, my all time heaviest. For someone who is that short, 170 is pretty darn big.

My history with weight and eating issues is long and drawn out, but I will try to make it as short as possible.

I have been a hula dancer since the age of 2. I started ballet, tap and jazz at the age of 5. I've been a performer ever since I can remember so I've always been on publice display. Being a dancer, weight is always a concern. My first experience with weight issues began at age 9 when my doctor said I was "CHUBBY"! From that point on my mother took it upon herself to put me on a diet. I can remember being scolded and lectured all the way home for being too fat.

By age 12 I had already been on a low calorie diet and slim fast.

The summer before my freshmen year of HS, my mother decided to enroll both of us in Nutri-system. She thought it would be "good for me". That year my Dad passed away suddenly of a heart attack. There was no warnng. He wasn't on any medications, he didnt have HBP or high cholestrol. So it was devistating. Most of all I lost my best friend... my Dad and I were very close. So needless to say, my already strained relationship with my mother became worse. She became even more controlling as the years passed. I know now that her intentions were good but at that time, all I needed was unconditional love and a boost to my esteem.

When I left for college she made a long list of what I could and couldn't eat and gave it to my cousin who was off to the same school. He was "responsible of keeping me in line". Well, he could care less about that and so did I, so like a caged animal set free, I ate and ate whatever I wanted. It was the first time I could eat whatever without being scrutinized, and I loved it. Until it was time for auditions for Living Legends, a performing group I needed to be in for my scholarship. I had gained 20 pounds. Well, I got in but I was "Chubby". From that point, I developed an eating disorder. I thought I could keep my weight down by throwing up. So thus the inevitable happened. My long battle with Bulimia. It is so horrible to see this on the computer screen as I'm typing.

This lasted until I found out I was pregnant with my first boy. I stopped completely, until one month after he was born, and then it started again. I actually thought I was doing great because I was the thinnest I had ever been, my gosh, so dillusional! 2 years later I got pregnant again, this time gaining 65 pounds in 7 months and ending upin the hospital witj pre-eclampsia. My son was premature and weigh 4.75 pounds. He was healthy though... but i wasn't. All that weight stuck to me. My eating disorder continued for 12 years.

I have collected a library full of diet books, exercise tapes and order hundreds of dollars of pills, potions and gadgets, and special foods in the quest of losing the weight. I was somewhat successful and settled in at 150 pounds. That is the weight I would always come back to if I gained or lost.
Fast forward to July 2006. We decided to go on a last minute trip to Disneyland. At that point, I was at my all time high weight of 170. I had to buy new pants and shirts before the trip because all my other clothes were too tight. During the vacation I got mad at my husband for videoing me with the kids. I walked away when he took out the camera. I avoided anything that would show my roley-poley reflection. The only time I enjoyed myself was when we were eating at one of the many great restaurants we went to .
By the last day of our trip I got so disgusted with myself that I promised myself I would start MF again. I had started MF Nov '05 and sabotaged myself during the holidays. I really wasn't committed to the program and cheated constantly. But I knew MF was the only thing that would work for me because I had such great results the first time before I quit.

So I started on August 1, 2006 and today is September 6, 2006. I am still doing MF and I am 20# lighter. This is milestone for me, at the weight I always come back to...... but this time I'm movin' forward!

Serendipity said in her posts that she just made up her mind to do this to reach her goal. That is the best advise for me... I made up my mind to do this. I will reach my goal of 120#. I know I can do it. I want to thank Nancy, Terry and Unca Tim for this forum. I don't think I would have been able to make it to this point without it.

A big Mahalo (thank you) to all of you losers who continue to inspire me! I am so excited to move toward my goal with all of you!

Let's keep shakin'! :ukulele:
Last edited by hulagirlfromhawaii on November 7th, 2006, 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 7th, 2006, 2:08 am

Wow, I just re-read my first post and it's scary. I know I had some deep issues with my weight, but actually reading seems so sad and dark to me. Especially what I said about my Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother dearly and today I've come to understand where she was coming from. Her actions were well intended and I know she acted with my best interest in mind.

MF has taught me to disconnect my emotional ties with food. I feel a burden being lifted every day because of MF; physical weight and emotional weight too. I love it!

I am happy to be on my way to putting these issues in the past.

Looking at my story re-affirms my resolve to reach my goal weight so I can live a healthy life for my family and for myself.

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Postby lauradr » September 7th, 2006, 2:55 am

hulagirl, You made your first step~ you set a goal ~~~your on your way ~you can do it
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 7th, 2006, 12:12 pm

Thank you lauradr! I appreciate your support!!! :D

I ordered the two MF books on my last order. They are both great to have. They really spell it out for us on how to be successful in our quest for weightloss. All of the questions about the MF foods, L&G's, exercise, etc. are all answered.

The most interesting and informative part for me is what happens to the body when we are not fully committed to the program as it is written. We become stuck in this place where we are not in ketosis so our bodies can't release fat that way, and yet we are taking in too many calories to promote fat loss through reduction of calories and too little calories to be healthy.The body starts holding on to fat to protect itself.The book also says that being in that "no man's land" can be "detrimental to our future weightloss efforts". This statement really woke me up and made me want to stay totally compliant . I certainly don't want to sabotage my efforts by deviating at all! There wil be plenty of time for "little extras" and cheats after I reach my goal!

I know that if my mind is made up about losing 30 more pounds of this ugly fat, I can do it. The mind is a powerful thing... and I need t use it and trust it! :thumbsup:

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 7th, 2006, 1:27 pm

Man, it seems I have a lot to say but I don't want to bore anyone or turn people off about my food issues. Please forgive me if this offends anyone,but for my own self, I feel I need to add this to my journal.

Dealing with an eating disorder for such a long time was both difficult and embarassing for me. It was a vicious cycle that consumed my life. The worse part about it was that no one knew about it except my husband, my mom, my brother and his wife... and that was already too many people for me... because none of them understood or could relate to what I was going through. So I was totally alone in dealing with this. I thought about getting professional help a thousand times but never did. So I dealt with it the best way I knew how. By just not talking about it and pretend it wasn't a problem. I wanted it to end, but the hardest part is that everyone has to eat. You can't just quit eating . I had to deal with food everyday. So the life of a person with with my problem is a long, hard and lonely road.

I am happy to say that I did reach the end of that road, for myself and for my hubby and kids.

MF discourages people with Eating Disorders to use their products but I think this has been the best thing for me. It has totally freed me of from my love/hate relationship with food. I have learned that food is not my enemy. It isn't my friend or comforter either. It won't solve my problems or make things better. It is there for one purpose, and that is to fuel my body.
Thank you MF for helping me along this road to better health!!!

With that said, I hope I didn't scare anybody off. There are tons of great positive things I would like to share...I just needed to get all that stuff out of the way so I could concentrate on the fun and exciting things about my life next!

Keep shakin'!

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 8th, 2006, 12:08 pm

We are headed off to Makaha Resort for the weekend. Hubby was invited to a golf outing with some buddies and their families. I am so excited to go on a mini vacation a little thinner than our Disney trip!

I am planning on staying completely on track without cheating so I'm packing all of my MF food and I'll enjoy my L&G for dinner with my family and friends. I hope the hotel has a wireless connection there so I can visit forum over the weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend and keep shakin'! 8)

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 10th, 2006, 6:25 pm

Well I'm back from our weekend away. I didn't cheat so I'm really happy about that! The best thing is I wan't tempted to cheat. I was able to stick my supplements and for my L&G's It was easy to pick a chicken and a salad and steamed vegetables, and the following night steak fajita's with no tortillas and a request to use very little oil to cook the steak and vegetables.

I haven't weighed myself. I'm going to do it tomorrow morning and report it on roll call. Can't wait!

I am really happy to get back to the forum and see how everyone did this weekend! Glad to be home! :mrgreen:

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 11th, 2006, 12:23 pm

NSV: Went to WalMart this weekend to pick up some jeans. My favorite pair were starting to fall off, and looked kinda wierd with belt. So I tried on a pair of Levi's low-rise...which I could never wear because my belly pooched out and the fat spilled over the sides (muffin tops, big time!)so much it made me look pregnant!

I fit a size 8! Wow, I couldn't believe it! And best of all, no muffin tops!

TOM is visiting so I didn't lose anything on the scale, but I dont mind. I know I'm losing inches, the scale will move next week. I can't wait to say goodbye to the 150's! :wavie: :wavie:

I'm looking forward to a great week!

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Postby alohacate » September 11th, 2006, 12:34 pm

You intrigued me with the PM so I had to check out your journal *lol* I went to Walmart this weekend too!! I bought two pair of pants for $14.00, YAY. Thank you for sharing sooo much in your journal, it really touched me. I am happy you are doing so well with MF. We definately need to do a Hawaii Lean & Green get togethter!! My favorite spot is Kenny's!! Aloha~cate
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 12th, 2006, 10:59 pm

Today was a good day. I stayed on plan even though I really wanted to eat another package of soy crisps..... :oops: I didn't. I've noticed that when TOM visits I don't crave things as much as I used to before MF.

For the past few days I've been having my L&G's for lunch. I usually have it for dinner. So I've noticed that I don't get hungry in the late afternoon like I used to.

I'm starting to like my profile in the mirror. I'm not avoiding my reflection like I used to. :hide: That's a big thing for me! :yippee:
Last edited by hulagirlfromhawaii on October 1st, 2006, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 14th, 2006, 1:41 pm

I had oral surgery yesterday to pull a cracked tooth. 41/2 hours long!! :nonono: The good thing is that I had my L&G before. Even though I had nitrous to kinda put me under, I could hear my stomach growling and then I had to go to the bathroom sooooo bad, but I held it! So I survived! :thumbsup:

This morning I didn't plan so well, after I dropped off the kids t school, I thought I would run som errunds... I forgot my MF ziplock w/ all of my food and shaker jar :wallwall: so I ended up having soy crisps, which were hard to eat with my soar mouth! Aaaaanyhoooooo..... I'm home now. I'm going to pack a spare shakerjar and food to leave in the car so I don't get stuck like that again!!! :dooh:

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 15th, 2006, 12:39 pm

Since being on MF... I mean, committing to it and seeing results... I feel like a huge dark cloud is being lifted. Everyday gets brighter and clearer as the pounds come off, like a whole new world is slowly being revealed in front of me. Wow, so profound?! Maybe it's just that I feel great! I never realized how much stress and energy it took to be fat, unhealthy and consumed by thoughts of food.

I put in a new MF order last night... I'm like a little kid at Christmas time, every time I get to place an order. Am I wierd? :hmmm:

Still on plan, not cheating and loving it! Today is going to be great! :yippee:

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Postby alohacate » September 15th, 2006, 4:33 pm

*YAY* I can soooo relate. I am so close to having lost 50 pounds in less than three many blessings with Medifast!!
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 17th, 2006, 6:43 pm

NSV 1: I went to church today and my friend Emmie noticed my weight loss, and her daughter Johnelle said, "Look Mom,She's getting skinny!"
That made my day!

NSV 2. My SIL was visiting from Kauai and she hasn't seen me since July. She said I look great!

My best friend, on the other hand, hasn't said a word. I've always been the" short, fat friend". She is 5'10" and gorgeous. Well, she has put on about 20 pounds this last year and can't fit any of her clothes....You can't tell she put on that much weight because of her height, and did I mention she gorgeous! But I know she is struggling to lose the weight. So I'm not sure she really hasn't noticed or she just doesn't want to acknowledge that I am losing the fat. I don't want to say anything, because she knows that Ive been on diet after diet, etc. She doesn't know that I am doing MF. I just want my weight loss to show her that MF works. :cheermed:

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Postby ebony868 » September 17th, 2006, 7:20 pm

You show her HulaGirl!
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