Here's todays laugh of the day............My husband has been asking for me to make some homemade chili. With today cold and damp, I decided it would be the perfect 'chili' day. Around 11:00 I made a big 5 quart dutch oven full of chili. It was so tempting I made a Medifast chili for myself, to which I added 3 ozs. of browned ground beef(borrowed from my supper modified meal) and a packet of Fast tomato soup.and 1 cup of water, in a very small pan.
Before coming to my computer I informed him that the chili was ready and we could eat whenever he was ready. I proceeded to go online and completely forgot about him. I didn't realize that he went to the kitchen and prepared to eat. (Now picture this in your mind and realize that I am talking about a man. One large pan with lid on stove. One very small pan with lid on stove.) Which pan do you think he chose to get his chili from. You guessed it. He poured my one cup of chili into a bowl. crumbled about 3 crackers into it and started to eat. Now you all know that Medifast takes a little getting used to. Especially the chili. Imagine my surprise when he yells up the stairs and asks was that supposed to be his chili in the little pan. "Yikes, he's eating my chili!!!" "No, that's mine. You didn't eat it did you.?" He said "No, it's not very good."
Wouldn't you think that he would naturally look in the big pan if only to see what was in it? After I straightened him out, I ate my bowl of chili,(with 3 regular crackers crumbled in it. I wasn't going to waste it.) I'm glad he didn't like it because it was really good, just not enough of it. I thought it was funny, Hope you did too.