I'm going by the BMI, which is a lot kinder than the old insurance/doctor height and weight charts.
There's a BMI calculator on the Take Shape for Life website (see the link on Nancy and Terry's makemethinner homepage). I think a good goal is a BMI of 24 (or less). One is classified as Healthy at that rate.
My first goal is to achieve a BMI that's actually on the TSFL chart! My second goal is to lose the wretched adjective "morbidly" infront of that nasty noun "obese." My final goal will be to forever and always rid of any possibility that anyone could ever again refer to me as "obese" or even "overweight" in the present tense.
Size-wise, boy, it'd be great if it could be a size 10/12! I haven't seen anything in a pre-adolescent number since my junior year in high school. Right now, it's just great to be back in the 20-something sizes, even if barely, instead of the 30-somethings. I know other people still perceive me as roughly the size of a tank, but I FEEL positively svelt!!!
Here's to our mutual success!