Perhaps skeptical is too strong a word, but today for example I was at my mom's house and I brought a shake and a soup for myself. She immediately started asking things like "what do you do for vegetables on this diet?" and "what happens if you go out to a restaurant?" And of course the inevitable "what happens when you go back to real food, won't you just gain the weight back?"
I explained that the meal replacements are nutritionally balanced to provide me what I need for the day. I explained that if I did absolutely have to go to a restaurant (we're taking my sister out tomorrow) I would either take a soup packet and ask for hot water OR I could be flexible and have a salad with fish or chicken. I explained that there's a transition program to get to maintenance after you reach goal. However, I don't think she totally *got it*. She wanted to know how much sodium was in each supplement, how I cooked for my DH and children, etc. It just wasn't sinking in and I can just hear her telling her friends that I'm on this program and she just doesn't know about it. Actually, the more I read this the more I'm thinking she's a little envious that I'm starting a program and she's not! (She said she could never do this since she would still have to cook for my dad and it's so hard to cook for just one).
Anyway, you get the picture. Any tips? Of course the bottom line is I'm an adult and can do this if I want to. But...I like to fight ignorance with knowledge and reason....