How often sould I weigh

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How often sould I weigh

Postby lauradr » September 21st, 2005, 4:12 pm

Just weighed and lost 2 lb but just wantrd to know how often sould I weigh. I have read so much on the board and everyone is so nice. :)
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Postby Lady Bug » September 21st, 2005, 4:45 pm

Hi Laura:

Ya know, to each his own. I have noticed where some members weigh daily some once in a while and some weekly. I weigh more than I should, I know. It's just by habit and I am a slave to the scale. It's a habit I hope to change tho, but one thing at a time. I would like to throw the scale away but just can't..........but getting in the habit of weighing just once a week at the same time every week would be a nice habit to get in to.

I know my answer is wishy washy but I do wish you well and keep watching the site as it's a great tool.

;) ,
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Postby LoriO » September 21st, 2005, 4:48 pm

I think weekly is enough, daily flucuations could be frustrating to watch. This is just my opinion. :)

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Postby mama2benandrachel » September 22nd, 2005, 7:36 pm

I am trying to only weigh once a week too! I had a doctor's appointment today, and I was pleased to see another 2 lbs. gone! I will try not to weigh myself again until Sunday, but it is hard! I want to see results and get rid of this weight!
Take care and God Bless,
Judy <><

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Postby martha » September 22nd, 2005, 11:30 pm

Hi Laura--

I like to weigh 1 time a week too. I go crazy weighing daily as it goes up and down for no reason :x ..

Judy--CONGRATULATIONS on your 2# lost.. you go girl :mrgreen: Martha
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