How much weight per week avg??

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby Unca_Tim » September 19th, 2006, 10:00 am

I don't think there's many that know more than you about this plan, Jo....:)

I'd have to agree with Jo. Everything looks good. About the only possible thing could be your level of exercise. Adding an extra shake just before your workout and check the results sounds like the way to go, unless you want to cut back a little on the exercise.

Was your activity level about the same as now, before you starting the program?
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Postby Mom2three » September 19th, 2006, 1:13 pm

Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about adding a shake in there somewhere rather than the protein, to be honest, its easier too!!

The number of days I work out are about the same as before, however, I have tried to reduce the distance/intensity of the runs.... I use to always go at least 3 miles if not more (closer to 4). Now I really try and just do 2 miles then slow it down to a fast walk or very slow jog (I'm on a treadmill most days). I may try and change it up too - maybe do something other than running - I know they say you should change your workout now and then anyway.

Thanks everyone - you are all so helpful and friendly on this board!!
Lynn :)

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Postby DogMa » September 19th, 2006, 3:41 pm

All of that said, though, if you're losing 2-2.5 pounds a week or so, you're doing fine and probably don't need to change anything at all. With so little to lose, I'd be surprised if you DID lose more than that every week.

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