Hang in there!!!

Remember the company bbq success!!!
I lost a bunch my first week, then only a pound the second week. After that, I think I'm averaging 2-3 lbs a week. And for some unknown reason, I almost always show a GAIN on Monday mornings.
Sometime's, there's not a loss to show numerically, but I FEEL so much better than I did pre-Medifast that at times I consider the weight loss kind of a nice byproduct.
My migraines have reduced tremendously, I'm off preventatives for those SUCCESSFULLY for the first time in 13 years. (I used to get 2 to 5 a week of varying intensities.) My nurse remarked that I just LOOK brighter. I know my mood is much better, and my wit is sharpening back up. AND I've got more energy than my body can handle at times!!
My advice, for the $0.02 it's worth: Stay off the scale for a while. Look for other ways your life is improving because of this undertaking. Focus on something else; then when you least expect it, you'll wake up 3 lbs lighter!
If that doesn't work, we'll all come lift up on the scale a bit when you step on.
Here's to our mutual success!
(btw, I kinda know the handsome hunk who just posted!

ahoy, dh!)