How many carb grams a day?

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How many carb grams a day?

Postby Suzie Q » July 8th, 2006, 10:17 am

Greetings all! :)

I've been on the plan 2 weeks and have lost 9 lbs. Yea! I've been very systematic about keeping track of meals, water etc. I keep a journal tracking the number of calories and the number of carbos I eat daily.

Recently I was told that to lose effectively I should have no more than 80-85 carb-grams a day. I find that I can do this when I'm tracking the Medifast meals (it's NOT easy and 85 seems low!?). But when it comes to the L&g meal, I am clueless. Number tracking is easy with Medifast. I really don't want to get compulsive tracking carb grams on the L&G.

So my questions:

How does that range 80-85 grams p/d sound?
If that number is a "good" one, then is that supposed to include the L&G?
If it's supposed to include the L&G meal, I'm really concerned and would not know where to begin in calculating this (and honestly I don't want to!)

I'm 59 and my present weight is 183. My goal weight is 145-150. My desired target date to reach this is Mid-September. Is this realistic?

Thank you for your input. I'm truly in a quandary about this!
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Postby Serendipity » July 8th, 2006, 10:57 am

It has been my understanding and it has worked for me not to count carbs or calories, but to just stick to the program as stated in the Quick Start Guide. I know that there a many days that my carb intake is over 90 because I like green beans and they're sort of high in carbs.

I haven't had any trouble losing at all.....almost 3 lb/week average.

On the other hand, I've also read that if you are having problems losing, that you should try to keep your carb count at 80-85 grams/day. That would mean choosing the losest carb veggies and not adding sauces/salad dressings. If it becomes necessary for me at some point, I will do it, but until then, I love the fact that I don't need to count anything.
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Postby GucciGoo » July 8th, 2006, 10:57 am

Were you trying to make your thread title large and red? I guess it didn't work :)

Welcome to the forum! I don't know about the carbs, but I am sure someone around here can help you! I usually just eat the accepted L&G foods and don't go crazy counting carbs.
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Postby Prancer » July 8th, 2006, 7:03 pm

I track my food on mymedifast dot com and since I started almost every day has been 80 to 85 carbs. The 5&1 will work out to about that much on its own.
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Postby Joelie » July 9th, 2006, 7:49 am

One of the GREAT beauties of this plan is you don't need to count anything. Stick with your quick start book and you can't go wrong.

CONGRATS on your loss thus far!


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Postby Elke » July 9th, 2006, 5:38 pm

I do the same as JennP, I track all my meals on and my carbs usually run between 75 to 85 carbs on average a day. Thats just the way its been working, I actually do not count my carbs but thats just the way it works out.
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