How many calories a day are you guys using medifast on?

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How many calories a day are you guys using medifast on?

Postby Hilda French » December 21st, 2006, 9:27 am

Hey, i have been reading about how you guys on medifast have lost 100 pounds in 4-6 many calories are you on each day to lose this much. i weigh 265 and have 9 months before a trip to montana. On 1,000 cals a day could i lose 130 pounds in 9 months?
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Postby Mike » December 21st, 2006, 9:34 am

You definitely can. I know of 2 people in particular of late who have lost that in less time. bdg and TonyR have lost at least or more than that amount in less than 9 months.
It can be done, but of course, each person is different and will have different results.
Good luck.
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Postby Serendipity » December 21st, 2006, 9:47 am

Men seem to lose much faster than women, though. I lost 100 pounds in 8 months and 140 pounds in 13 months. (an average of 2.5/week). In my opinion, that's more realistic for a woman.

Either way, time goes fast.....seems like yesterday........

Oh yeah, and to answer your calorie question.....I was eating between 900 and 1000 calories per day. If you are planning on just cutting your calories that drastically without using a medically proven plan, you may have much more trouble sticking to it. I know that I tried many times to just cut calories and never succeed until Medifast.
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 9:53 am

Morning, Hilda!

People's weight loss varies tremendously, as Mike said, so I wouldn't go into this plan with such a specific goal date. What I can say confidently, is that if you begin Medifast, and stay totally compliant, you will no doubt experience signficant weight loss, and feel fantastic about yourself, and you will be in a great place to travel to Montana!

Whether you've lost 75 pounds or 130 pounds, won't you just be beaming with pride and confidence to have had such a grand achievement? That's what will make the vacation so great - and the fact that you'll be able to walk comfortably, travel with ease, and feel good about yourself!

I hope you choose to do it, if you just follow the program, it works.

Good luck!

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Postby hilda french » December 21st, 2006, 10:14 am

Hey thanks to all of you who answered my questine....i have no trouble sticking to a diet, but beer helps me sleep so that usually ruins all my efforts. i will lose the weight, because last year when i went to montana i was 270 and i had to hike with my kids and i couldn't keep up. it was horrible....then i flew on a plane and my seat belt wouldn't harley fit around me. being fat is miserable, i have reached my limit. i was 135 and rode horses through my twenties and thirties, then my mom died and i started drinking and packed on all this weight. i have been fat 8 years and i can't take it anymore. so wish me luck and i do the same to you.
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Postby Lauren » December 21st, 2006, 10:37 am

No beer on Medifast! Just go cold turkey on all alcohol, as it's ruins dieting efforts on both a physiologic and psychologic level! Physically, it is super high in calories and carbs, and breaks down as sugar in your body. Psychologically, it lowers your inhibitions and makes you much more willing to eat freely, and make poor food choices. Oh, and you're not getting enough calories in a day to properly absorb the alcohol, so it's just bad news all around!

You will be so successful on MF if you don't try to tweak it in any way. Just stick to plan, drink tons of water, and smile!

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Postby alpha femme » December 21st, 2006, 12:27 pm

well, i'm right at 7 months and have lost 83#. i would say that losing 100# in 9 months is doable, but every body is different. the best results will come if you wait about a month after starting the program and then integrate light weight-lifting.

as far as beer goes... you need to ditch it for more than one reason. alcohol is one of the biggest contributors in weight gain. it's not just the calories-- the beer actually slows your metabolism. if you need help sleeping, ask an m.d. for a sleep aid; it'll keep you out of meetings in the long run.
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Postby Jan » December 21st, 2006, 9:22 pm

About that beer. :? I think I'd ditch it before your pancreas and liver become unhappy. :x Alcohol is the number one cause of those problems. As to parting with the pounds... they'll come off. :D Of course the more compliant you are the faster they'll leave.
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Postby bikipatra » December 22nd, 2006, 2:49 am

When I was on Medifast very briefly before I tried the Medifast/vodka/beer diet and did lose some weight but chucked it all just to go back to my beer. The Weight Watchers/beer diet wasn't too successful for me either until I dropped the beer. Just my experience. It doesn't work.
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Postby dede4wd » December 26th, 2006, 1:07 pm

I do 950-1125 cals a day.

I walk the dogs every day and exercise sporadically on the pilates machine.

I generally lose 3.5lbs a week...

I can speak for experience about the alcohol. I had a vodka night Saturday...gained 5 lbs...don't suggest it at all! Plus, with vodka in me, the chocolate cake started to look really good...I didn't have it, but I for one give the Medifast/vodka diet a big thumbs down.

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