I'm still fairly new with MF, just completing my 3rd successful week with this program. I've posted a few times, but am saving my losses to share each month.
The reason I'm posting is to tell you about my wonderful call with Nancy this evening. Everyone on this forum always writes about how helpful and kind and fabulous and many other great things she is. She truly is all those things, except more so.
I sent her a message last week inquiring about becoming a member, placing orders... She e-mailed me to let me know she'd call me when she returned to town today. She wasn't even finished unpacking from her trip when she called me to speak at length about MF, my needs, and making sure everything I am doing is healthy and the best for me while losing weight.
Poor Nancy, I think I kept her on the phone way too long. She was just so informative and positive and funny to speak with, I didn't want to let her go.

So I just wanted to shout out and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Nancy!

Also, I was reading the roll call and was soooooooooo excited to read all your losses. I was telling Nancy how funny it is that I don't really know anyone here, but after reading your posts I sort of feel like I do, and I was so thrilled to see so many of you losing big your first week, or getting into the 100's, or moving into a new club, or a pound away from goal, or getting back on plan... WOW!!! Keep it up everyone, you're doing great.

So, thank you to Nancy for creating this forum and being such an incredibly warm and giving person.
And thank you to all of you for sharing your stories of success, difficulties, and perserverance.
Look forward to seeing you all at roll call at the end of the month.
(ps - can't wait to get some more oatmeal, my mornings just weren't the same this week