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How can this be?

Postby armeewyf » May 16th, 2005, 5:44 am

I am little bummed today...I have decided to watch the scale closer. Maybe it was a mistake. Since I weighed yesterday morning, I HAVE GAINED 2 LBS!!! Yes, just since yesterday morning. At roll call I reported I lost 2 lbs since Wednesday. THat puts me back at exactly where I was last Wednesday. Whats up with that?

How in the heck can this happen? I didn't do a thing different.....

Any suggestions? Thanks--Lee Ann
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Postby ljm498 » May 16th, 2005, 6:21 am

This has happened to me a few times too. I'm sure it's just water retention and will find its way off of you in no time! Our bodies go through water adjustments all throughout the week up and down. Just make sure you drink lots of water and that should flush it out more quickly. But, I will say that it is extremely frustrating! That's why I try not to get on the scale everyday. I know, much easier said than done ;) And really, the important thing isn't the day to day number on the scale, it's the overall downward trend week to week. I'm sure by Sunday, or whenever you weigh it probably won't be there! Hang in there! You're doing great! :D

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 16th, 2005, 6:45 am

Lynne is ABSOLUTELY correct. Every morning before I get on the scales I say to myself "whatever it is it will be ok". This morning I was up 1lb. I know that I didn't get in NEAR the water I require this weekend and I think I may have overinduldged in my "lean and green" this weekend. I hated to see it, but it gives me my constitution for the day which is GET IN ALL MY WATER and GET MY EXERCISE today! I use the scale as a tool to say to myself "doing great" or "what can I improve upon this day?" But certainly for women it is NOT uncommon for us to have these types of flucuations. We can of course hear this EDUCATION NEWS FLASH a million times, but until it is happening to us it's not real. Allow yourself to be a fabulous woman today...water retention and all 8) Like Lynn the end of your true weighing week it will be gone, and most likely + some!

Be good this week and all will be right with the world!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Weirdness abounds!

Postby Seaside » May 16th, 2005, 7:51 am

OK everyone I know this is crazy but since yesterday I lost another 1.5 lbs -- after having a Belgian waffle for breakfast and spaghetti for dinner last night. I was finally feeling better after being ill, and I had the chance to take one of my students to brunch after church (hence, the waffle).

Is this something that is going to come back and haunt me? I'm thrilled to have gained only .5 lb net since going off the plan, but how can this be? I plan to stay with Medifasting this week but it does seem really weird. Has anyone else had this happen? :shock:
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Postby 24KaratGold » May 16th, 2005, 8:07 am

Lee Ann, this is the reason I always suggest that people not step on the scale every day, at least not until they can accept a fluctuation like this without getting discouraged.

These fluctuations are normal, and if you hadn't stepped on the scale today you never would have noticed it! ;)

You might recall that I apparently stall at week 4 of the plan (others seem to do it at week 3). That happened to me on my first phase -- at week 4 I lost .5, and on week 5 I lost .5. Yesterday, which was the end of week 4 for my second phase (the post Hawaii one), I had no loss.

Actually, here's what happened yesterday: Last Sunday I had reported a 4.0 pound loss, down to 212. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale and it read 213.5, and no reason why it should have. Ten minutes later (I am not kidding) it said 212.5 (and this is a new and trustworthy scale). I have noticed that the scale will change ten-fifteen minutes after I first wake up in the morning.

I chose to report my weight change yesterday as "nuthin," partly because my scale has a plus/minus error factor of .5, and partly because I really didn't want to acknowledge what looked like a "gain." I stepped on the scale once later on in the day, and it said 212.0.

I went to bed late last night -- about 1:30 this morning actually. Just before I got into bed, I got on the scale: 213.5.

This morning: 212.0.

I ain't getting back on the thing until Sunday. :mrgreen:

Have you had a slow/no loss week yet? It happens to us all, and it really will drive you crazy if you step on the scale every day. Do yourself a favor, and don't.

Other things that can affect what the scale shows: Time of Month, not enough water, or the outside temperature being very hot and humid.

Hang in there, hon, as long as you stay true to MF, it will be true to you.

Gotta run to work. Later!

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Postby kassilou » May 16th, 2005, 9:30 am

Oh, I so understand frustration with the scale! I could have happily kicked mine yesterday!! I've been the same for two weeks!! TOM came, so I knew to expect some water gain, but it's been gone since the middle of last week and I am still retaining lotso water. Yesterday I was right where I was before TOM. Today, for the first time in two weeks, the scale finally moved down. I still have the water, tho.

If you can stop yourself from weighing every day, then do it. Even when you know it is just a fluctuation, it is still discouraging. I think that applies to a "cheat", too. If you cheat and don't gain, or perhaps even lose, you might start thinking that it is okay to continue cheating, and that could spiral out of control. (speaking from my own experience here)

Just hang in there. It is very tough sometimes, but you can do it.
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Postby armeewyf » May 16th, 2005, 9:53 am

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I almost wish I HAD cheated--at least that would offer an explanation!

I usually don't weigh everyday...I have a love/hate (mostly the latter) relationship with the scale. Yesterday I thought, hey, I'll start doing this 2 times a week...this morning I thought, why not everyday...and so my day began.

I do feel like I am retaining water-but there is no real reason for it. Nothing has changed, not that time of month and its not humid here-in fact its the opposite.

Its just discouraging...but I'll move past it and shake on...

Lee Ann
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