Hot August Specials

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Hot August Specials

Postby Nancy » August 1st, 2005, 10:25 pm

:exercise: What’s the matter, Bunkie?

Do you ever have one of :tongue: 'those’ kinda days?

:shock: You know what I mean. :x

You’re on your way home from work; the commuter train is packed out, it’s sweltering, the AC isn’t running and the :3head: people near you timed out their time-release deodorant last week.

You experienced a little delay because some :nana: wack-a-roony decided to try to :veedub: run the light and ran out of gas just as the front wheels of his 1982 pick up truck were crossing the train tracks.

The driver :coach: announced the tow truck was on its way and the stoppage would be minimal… and that was 90 minutes ago? :felix:

You call your housemate on your cell phone to tell them you’ll be a :redhead: little late, to go ahead with their Lean and Green and they are stuck in the HOV lane, 3 miles from the nearest exit ramp. :brickwall:

The freeway is shut down due to a tractor trailer that lost a load of watermelons that :bouncie: boinged all over the freeway causing several pile-ups, including a truck carrying honey bees and apiary supplies. :aarggh:

It will be several hours before traffic on one of the two bridges that leads to your home is expected to be set free… :help:

Ah…home at last! :bananadance:

You strip down to your shorts and :runner: run (because you can!) to your ‘puter, :puter: click on the MakeMeThinner Home Page & bip directly to the Forum searching to see what delectable products are on sale and all you see is picture of a steaming cup of …huh?

:no: What‘s the deal? :scratchhead: What’s that all about?

It’s 93 degrees and you see a :twisted: STEAMING cuppa somethin’ in the middle of summer?

:pet: Ok, Folks! Cool your jets!

This is really a great deal here – the Cappuccino is on sale for $10.50 per box.
(Regularly priced at $12.65)

It is caffeine-free so you’ll be able to :buddies: slurp late at night and still be able to doze off to :snooze: slumberland and dream of skinny days ahead.

The :kool: cool thing about a typically hot drink is that the Medifast Cappuccino tastes totally yummah made cold.

You can make it in your Fast Shake shaker jar with 8 ounces of water and 1-2 ice cubes or you can live it up and do it Barista-style!

:chef: Tie a green apron around your slimmin’ waist ~

If you don’t have a Magic Bullet® yet, haul out the blender:

I call it the Leopard Woman Cappi Frappi, as it reminds me of the Starbuck’s Frappachino

6 ounces of cold water
1 packet of the Medifast Cappuccino
Add 1 cup+ crushed ice

I like to add ½ tsp instant coffee crystals

Additional flavor suggestions:
DaVinci® Sugar Free Chocolate, Caramel :thumbsup: (oh, yeah!) or Hazelnut Syrup
Vanilla or Almond extract (teensy bit, extracts are strong)
dash of cinnamon

Kick back, ;) Bunkster and have a cool one…

THINk about all the thinny things you can do now that you choose to lose the Medifast way.

:angel: Life is good, at least until the morning :twisted: commute…

Marseilles’ Yummalicious Chino to Go :drive: Recipe

Into the shaker with about 3 oz of COLD water add the packet
Shake-shake-shake... shake some more for good measure
Microwave, lid off, for 10 seconds, replace lid, shake some more...repeat with baby-second intervals until it is quite warm..

I add about 3 oz of freshly brewed java to shaker and give it a stir, pour it in my big “go” mug and fill to the top with more of the freshly brewed java (whilst stirring) and SUPER yummalicious cappuccino! :beerbeer:

Each cappuccino packet contains 24 essential vitamins and minerals plus these nutritional goodies

Calories: 100 Total
Fat: 0.5 grams Saturated Fat: 0 grams
Cholesterol: 3 mg
Sodium: 140 mg
Potassium: 330 mg
Total Carbs: 14 grams Dietary Fiber: 3 grams
Sugars: 10 grams
Protein: 14 grams

BTW, this versatile meal replacement is whey-based, so people who take thyroid meds can have the ‘chino’ for breakfast with their prescription and it will not interfere with the absorption of their meds.
~ While supplies last ~

Call me or order online at
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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