Horrible Craving

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Horrible Craving

Postby supermom » May 16th, 2006, 2:45 pm

I am having, well have been having since starting MF, a horrible craving for milk. I will drink skim milk if I need to, but I just really need to drink some milk. The quick start says skim milk is okay with coffee and tea, but can I just drink a glass of milk? I don't want to ruin my diet, but I need this. I don't think it is just a craving. I just don't "feel" right. I have always been a big milk drinker, I have dairy farmers in the family and some of my husbands biggest customers are dairy mills. It is just always around. I thought having cottage cheese in place of my meat a couple times a week would fix it, but it hasn't. Please---can someone please advise me???

<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_4_20.gif" alt="Milk" border="0">
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Postby dede4wd » May 16th, 2006, 3:31 pm

Hi Laurie,
Well, the quick start guide says you can replace a MF meal with 8oz of skim or low fat milk if you run out, but not to do it for more than one day, so I say, if you need a milk fix, simply accidentally "run out" of MF meals and have your 8oz of milk instead of a MF meal. If it'll save your sanity and keep you on the program...I'm sure I'll get bashed for this, but I'm reading RIGHT out of the Quick Start guide...Don't do it all the time...just when you're having a craving bad enough to post about it. It's not like you're asking for cheese fries! Just be careful, stick to the quick start guide and you will be handsomely rewarded (I think).

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Postby supermom » May 16th, 2006, 3:44 pm

Thanks DeDe. I think I might try it. Not every day, but a couple times a week should be okay.
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Postby falisamarie » May 16th, 2006, 4:42 pm


I too was missing my milk so I do just as DeDe suggested and will replace one of my supplements with 8oz skim milk every now and again and so far so good!

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Postby supermom » May 16th, 2006, 4:48 pm

Thanks Lisa!! BTW--I love your sassy short hair!!
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