Grrr... I did a very long post this morning before work and forgot to copy it before submitting and then it got poofed! It seems everytime I get into the emotional aspects of following MF this happens to me. Then for a while I copy all my posts to the clipboard before submitting but nothing gets poofed so I get lax until I get poofed again.
Anyway, the dead possum under my home was the worst experience I have been through for years. It is not over as I am still dealing with getting the stench out of my home - carpets, drapes, clothes, down comforters, quilts, etc. It is going to take me a long time to do everything. I got a lot done Sunday but still have a lot facing me.
I broke my compliance record over this disaster too. Friday I had only 4 supplements and only 48 oz of water plus some diet sodas. Saturday I was collapsing and needed to eat badly and ended up with 4 supplements and 2 lean and green meals plus only 48 oz water and some diet sodas. I was back on plan by Sunday. My appetite is starting to come back slowly.
I slept at home last night for the first time in days and while it wasn't perfect it was much better. I hope this will soon be all behind me.