Back to work today which will be challenging. I definitely have some people there who would love to sabotage me. We have a lot of political stuff going on, reduction in force, reorganization, etc. I made it through all that and still have a job, at least for now, but some of the people who are leaving are still there! You have no idea how awful these people are being to the survivors. I am starting to lose my sympathy for their job loss. I just want to do my job and go home. I don't want to be involved in all the secrets and intrigue. This is one of the reasons I took some time off to start MF. With the horrible heat I was pretty much cooped up home alone. That worked well and I feel like I am ready to face the world but I sure am glad I have a journal to come and vent when people get ugly.
I hope everyone has a great day and we're all a bunch of losers!
