bikipatra wrote:I can definitely relate to sabateurs at the workplace. One of the reasons I quit the job at the law firm right before I began MF was because of a woman who was constantly commenting on my weight but then asking me out for frozen yogurt or buying me fudge. Everyday she would tsk tsk over my desk even if I was having a Lean Cuisine. Shortlyafter I began working there she told me how good it was that I KNEW I was fat because she couldn't stand overweight people who didn't know it. Her comments got worse from there.
BabyTrace wrote:Hi Linda!
Isn't it strange how certain co-workers think it's OK to say such insensitive things?? It sounds like you have the right attitude about this person and will do well staying clear of her. Just think, if she's in the office until Dec 31, you'll be slimming down and she'll be there to see first hand just how satisfying Medifast can be!
bikipatra wrote:Congrats on those inches! I have to warn you that when you lose too many of them you could almost have your shorts fall down crossing the street. (A true story.)
BabyTrace wrote:Hi Linda! You are doing great on your compliance.
I remember how nice it was a few days in when I wouldn't even be hungry when it was time to eat again. Since I didn't have my stomach rumbling or my head telling me I was hungry I had to set a timer to remind me to eat on days when I got so involved with work. I still use that timer every day! I reset it each time I have a meal!
Have a great day!!
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