For some reason, my cappuccino has been lumpy the past couple of times I made it, too. My normal method to make it is to mix it in 8 oz of water, microwave for 1 minute, stir, microwave for 30 more seconds. This usually works for lump-free cappuccino for me. The last time I made it, I used hot water and it never dissolved correctly, even after I microwaved it.
As for the egg beaters, I tried the southwest style ones and they were pretty good. Granted, I haven't had real eggs for 4 months. I thought the egg beaters were better than the MF eggs. I think the MF eggs are ok, but they weird me out with their consistency in the skillet before they are cooked.
Oh and the oatmeal was my first MF meal and I almost cried because I thought I had wasted my money and that I was going to fail at yet another weight loss attempt (it was maple and brown sugar - still haven't touched it since). But now, I make the oatmeal cookies like on the box and eat them hot with some ICBINB spray. I love them! The pancakes are also great - just add more water to make the batter thinner than for the cookies.
I, too, hope your headache subsides. Take care