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Postby aquarianskye » October 11th, 2007, 7:50 am

Woohoo on the 25#'s! That is awesome. And if you figure it took you two months to lose 1/3 of your weight then you should be to goal in six months...whoda thunk it? Wouldn't that be awesome?

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Postby katesmom » October 11th, 2007, 9:25 am

Super results Linda !!!

Time for a new outfit???? It's time for the caravan to the mall girls !!! Biki don't forget the diet coke ! I'd like one too ! If anyone can bring a pair of shoes that will allow me to walk more than a foot that would be great !!!

Sorry ...just feeling sorry for my feet !!!
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Postby Hopebaby » October 11th, 2007, 4:22 pm

katesmom wrote:Super results Linda !!!

Time for a new outfit???? It's time for the caravan to the mall girls !!! Biki don't forget the diet coke ! I'd like one too ! If anyone can bring a pair of shoes that will allow me to walk more than a foot that would be great !!!

Sorry ...just feeling sorry for my feet !!!

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Postby Hopebaby » October 11th, 2007, 4:23 pm

Thanks for all the congrats and support ladies! People are still being ugly at work and no one even notices I have lost weight. Oh well, I just stay in my office and avoid them.

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Postby rodeomom » October 11th, 2007, 6:34 pm

They have probably noticed, but are just too jealous to say anything. I hate mean people.
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Postby Tawanda » October 11th, 2007, 8:24 pm

Linda, don't let them get you down!!
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Postby Hopebaby » October 12th, 2007, 4:07 am

Big test this weekend. My daughter and I are going to visit my other daughter and family. They have all been here to my house since I began MF but I have not been out to their house. Here I can control the food but at my youngest daughter's house there is junk food (3 kids and her DH). I talked to her and told her we would eat lunch on the road but requested she grill steaks for dinner Saturday. Then I offered to make a big salad for dinner and to fix the baked potato for everyone else. So bringing my MF supplements with me takes care of everything else. I decided when my oldest daughter is eating lunch on the way I will have a large coffee and a MF bar.

I only had to argue a little to get the promise of steak. I make great spaghetti and her family always wants me to make it when I come to their house. I told her to tell the kids no spaghetti until grandma is skinny like spaghetti!

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Postby Hopebaby » October 12th, 2007, 4:11 am

OK, big test at work today too. The first of the "downsized" people is leaving already because he found another job. Good news for him, bad news for me because he is my assistant. This means more work for me starting Monday. Yikes! We are having a going away luncheon for him today. Sometimes we have it brought in but this time we are going out to a restaurant and will order off the menu. Big relief! I have a menu for this particular restaurant (I collect menus so I can decided ahead of time what I will eat or even where I can eat.) so I will decide what to eat before I even get there.

The test will be that I think they are bringing in a cake this afternoon. They have stuff like that a lot at afternoon breaktime and I usually just don't go. But since he is my assistant I kind of have to attend this one. I plan to make some hot cocoa just before caketime so I will already be sipping it when they are passing around cake.

I'll be glad when this day is over! :x

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Postby bikipatra » October 12th, 2007, 4:15 am

I hope they're not holding individual lunches/cake for everyone...not cost-effective. I guess he's just special because he's fleeing early!
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Postby Hopebaby » October 12th, 2007, 4:28 am

No Biki - they decided they are going to do this for everyone (because they always have in the past) AND they are going to hit up the remaining employees to contribute to a parting gift!!! Those that don't find jobs will all leave in December so while we are all trying to afford Christmas for our families they want us to contribute money for people they are downsizing (trying to stay PC but wanting to use words that express what it really is). Other than my assistant there is only one other departing employee that will get my contribution. All but one of the rest are the type that never contribute to anything. I know since I usually have to collect the money.

Ok Linda, calm down, deep breaths, deep breaths...

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Postby bikipatra » October 12th, 2007, 4:41 am

The more you tell it just gets worse and worse....
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Postby Tawanda » October 12th, 2007, 5:51 am

Linda, sounds like a bit of stress is going to be continuing for you... Ugh!

My best suggestion is to grab some gum and chew it during those times when you are around others who are eating things you don't want to give in to....when I have to take my gum out so that I can eat, it gives me just a bit more time to make that wise decision instead of letting the stomach/head gremlins make a bad (against program) decision. Doesn't always work.......but usually it has. Also, I've gotten away from having something by saying "dang, I just put a new piece of gum in my mouth so I'll wait a bit, otherwise I wouldn't be able to taste/enjoy that chocolate frosting because I'll only be tasting this gum". LOL Then the person has the promise that your skinny bod will be chewing on cake in a bit so they go off to trip up the next skinny person. ;)

Best wishes that your day & weekend will go well.
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Postby Hopebaby » October 13th, 2007, 5:25 am

Thanks T - I do chew sugarless bubble gum a lot. I've looked for Hol's favorite Bubble Yum and remember it from when my kids were young but I can't find it anywhere. It isn't even in the Dollar Stores. I like soft gum because my jaws and molars get tired and sore if the gum is too hard. LOL - one of the issues of aging - bubble gum jaw fatigue! :?

They skipped the cake yesterday and the guy leaving brought in a bottle of Tequila and they drank shots. That is totally against regs but no one seemed to remember that. Anyway I stood around and chatted and drank my Cranberry Mango mixed with Crystal Light so it turned out okay.

It was a tough day when he left though. I hired him 8 years ago and we have been through a lot. I'm so glad this week is over and I am heading out to spend the rest of the weekend with my youngest daughter and her family. I haven't seen my grand-angels for 5 weeks and I am in withdrawal.

The scales showed me a little more love this morning. The whoosh fairy never comes to my house but that turtle does show up once or twice a week to trim a few ounces at a time.

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Postby Mickeyz » October 13th, 2007, 6:26 am


You should be so proud of yourself! Look how great you are doing. Losing 25 lbs in 2 months is wonderful, especially with the amount of stress you are under! Stress is a huge trigger for me, I really admire how well you are handling everything at work.

There is a show on TV called Kids Nation. I watched it the other night and thought the behavior of the kids was sort of like watching minature versions of office drama! :lol:
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Postby Hopebaby » October 13th, 2007, 7:28 am

Thanks Mickey! You are moving right along your own self! You are so close to goal and when you mentioned your bra size I was wistful. Ahhhh, I remember 34. I am in 36 now so I am down from a high of 38 but I sure wish the girls would shrink faster. It makes such a difference when shopping for tops.

The weather here is awful! My daughter called around 8:30 and said not to try to make the trip. :cry: I am so disappointed I won't get to see them. I guess I won't have to worry about any temptations though. I have nothing bad in the house and it is raining too hard to go anywhere. I guess I will have frozen veggies and some frozen meat for my L&G because I am out of salad fixin's and I didn't buy more yesterday because I thought I would be gone.

So I made a pot of chai tea and I am getting ready to curl up with a book.

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