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Postby Hopebaby » September 1st, 2007, 8:18 am

Mickeyz wrote:I had to chuckle at your weight history "memory". I think I was in so much denial that it is more of a fog instead of so exact.

I think setting these goals for milestones in small increments is a good idea. I am pushing to get to the 170's, which will hopefully happen in the next few days. Then I just want to weigh less than my husband! He is a skinny 172. :roll:

Hope you are having a delightful weekend.

LOL Mickey - and I didn't even get into my unhealthy weights at the other end. Twenty years ago I weighed 100 pounds at 5'7" but luckily my friends intervened before I got too caught up and I went into group therapy for eating disorders and individual therapy to find out why. I always describe anorexia as a merry-go-round that once I get on it I can't get off without help so I choose not to get on ever again.

I think you will be catching your husband very soon! You are doing so well and looking so good I wish I were that far along in my journey! I went down another .2 overnight but that isn't enough to change my ticker and tomorrow is roll call so I will just wait for that.

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Postby Hopebaby » September 1st, 2007, 8:25 am

Well, I placed my order for September yesterday and ordered the Diabetic variety pack. I was really torn since I like the shakes I have been drinking but I finally decided that I can doctor up the diabetic shakes if I don't like them. If I don't like them I will go back to the normal variety pack for the 3rd month and after that I will be picking and choosing.

My lupus flare is still with me but is starting to subside finally. I got out for about an hour and went to the bank and the library. I think if I ever didn't show up at the library on Saturday morning they would think the world was ending. ;) I'm one of their best customers. Thanks to MF I didn't need to go to the grocery store and I am very thankful for that. I am stocked up on water and have meat in the freezer and greens in the fridge so I am all set for this coming week.

I'm off to read now which is my favorite leisure activity. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

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Postby Sojourner » September 1st, 2007, 11:07 pm

Wow, this newbie's journal is 11-pages long!!
Sorry, but I'm just feeling a little Rumpelstiltskin-ish!!


Let me start over:

Hi Linda! :wave:
I just wanted to introduce myself...I've been MIA from the boards for a little while. Well, I guess it's been longer than a little while, all the newbies have journals that are several pages long by now! That's terrific! Er.....not that I've been gone, but that y'all are so into it!

I just want to say that I think you have the patience of a saint (but not the breasts-on-a-platter one. Yeesh!!) I'm pretty sure that if I had to spend the majority of my waking hours with such a bitter and venomous co-worker I'd have prolly drop-kicked her across the room by now. For realz. :shock:

I hope that you're feeling better, and I look forward to getting to know you.


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Hopebaby » September 2nd, 2007, 5:43 am

Thanks for stopping by Sojourner! You were around the first day or so I joined up here. You posted about sabotaging ourselves and I was so moved by it I copied it and emailed it to myself so I could read it again anytime I needed it. I have done that to myself so many times it was like you knew me! :lol:

I'm not a saint by any means and I get very annoyed with nearly all the people who are leaving. I have sympathy for them and I would be devastated to lose my job. However, none of them are doing their jobs anymore, they keep "doctor's hours" and all their work is getting dumped on those of us who are staying. I complain to my boss about once a week. She encourages me to vent to her I guess so I don't blow up at someone. Anyway, others are complaining/venting too so they are bringing some HR people to talk to the survivors and tell us how to cope with the leavers. Such a mess.

It's a long time until December and I have asked the management why they don't do it like private business - once the layoff or termination notice is given, employees may be paid for a certain period but they are escorted off the premises. Sigh. I work for a university and even though I have been there nearly 10 years I still miss private industry at times like this.

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Postby Hopebaby » September 4th, 2007, 4:20 pm

Yesterday I made some chai cookies. I didn't have all the extracts but used some dry spices and added a little more liquid and they turned out well. Tonight I made some chocolate chai muffins and they were a little less successful. I only had one packet of hot chocolate left so I used one pack chai, one pack hot chocolate, one pack oatmeal and then cut the flax meal in half because of the oatmeal. I don't think I will make those again. Maybe if I have hot chocolate packets I can try but adding the oatmeal didn't seem to make them tasty. I was imagining sort of a chocolate/chai bran muffin but they are pretty spongy. Now I have to eat them two more times. Oh well, live and learn.

I also learned today what exactly is in the diabetic variety pack. I won't really be getting any of my favorites. What was I thinking? I guess I am going to have to break down and make a small order again. My cupboard is going to be so full of soup eventually I will have to eat it.

Does anyone have any good recipes for the soup??? LOL

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Postby Mickeyz » September 4th, 2007, 7:56 pm

I use soup in a muffin/bread recipe.

This makes 2 meals and the buns store overnite well.
1 packet soup (cr of chick, tomato or broc) and 1 packet eggs with 1 tablespoon flax seed meal. I add garlic or onion powder. Add about 4-5 tablespoon water. Make 2 little buns cook @350 8 min. Broil for 1-2 min to brown top. Then I put half of a wedge of Laughing Cow Lite on it. If you want to give up a little of your L&G it is good with a little chicken and tomato. Be sure to cook these on foil or they stick to a cokkie sheet.

I also use this recipe with oatmeal & egg combo and add cinn or pumpkin pie spice and a touch of splenda for something a little sweeter.

Some people also add half teas baking powder to these recipes. I haven't seen much difference one way or another
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Postby Hopebaby » September 5th, 2007, 4:21 am

Thanks Mickey! I will try out your suggestions because the only soups I like at all are the chicken rice and chicken noodle.

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Postby BabyTrace » September 5th, 2007, 8:05 am

Hi Linda!

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the notes your left in my journal. I'm still in the game, just been too busy to post the past few days. Now I've got a truckload of post to catch up on!

Glad to see you still here and doing so well!

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Postby Mickeyz » September 9th, 2007, 6:49 am

Just stopping by to say HI! and see how you are doing. Haven't heard from you for awhile, hope all is going well. :)
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Postby BabyTrace » September 12th, 2007, 5:25 pm

Hi Linda! :wave:

Just wanted to pop in say hello and that I hope things are going well for you. I noticed your ticker has moved over a couple more pounds too. Good for you!

Take care. We're here for support if you need us.

Start Date: 07/11/2007

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Postby Hopebaby » September 13th, 2007, 4:58 am

Thanks Tracy. I'm not weighing everyday anymore. It was hard to break that habit but I finally did. I am aiming for twice a week but we'll see. So far this week I have weighed every other day and had a loss when I did weigh. I would eventually like to go to weighing only once a week. That sounds scary but as long as I know I am compliant it shouldn't be. I guess my big fear is that the day I weigh will be the day I have a slight gain which would probably go away overnight but if I only weigh once a week I would have that gain-monkey on my back until the next weigh-in. Know what I mean? ;)

You are doing amazingly well still I see. It won't be long until you step into the 30 pound club! How exciting!

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Postby BabyTrace » September 13th, 2007, 3:43 pm

Hey Linda! :wave:

Glad to hear you are still with us and good for you in breaking the daily habit if it was causing you grief.

<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_8_6.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D15%252F15_8_6/image.gif"> I'm an admitted scale-aholic. I weigh multiple times every day, but only record my early morning weight. I posted in my journal that I've seen a gain at least twice a week, some times three times a week since week 2, but I'm lucky that it ends up averaging out in the end. Oh, and I only change my ticker twice a week--on Sundays for roll call and on Wednesdays for my weekly report since I started on a Wednesday.
<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_11.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D10%252F10_1_11/image.gif">Yeah, I'm a little quirky, but it keeps me on track.

I completely understood what you said about being afraid to only weigh once a week incase you happen to be weighing on your heavy day. It's weird how much some of our thought processes are alike because I honestly considered only weighing once a week, but that's the exact fear that's kept we with my daily weighing! Luckily I've learned to roll with the flow and not let the ups and downs control my mood.

You are right on about 'why worry when you know you've been compliant'. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll be slipping into the 20 lbs club real soon!
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Postby Hopebaby » September 15th, 2007, 9:11 am

Day 37 being on MF and being compliant. Yay Linda! I don't weigh everyday anymore but this morning for some reason I decided to measure my waist. I had just measured on Wednesday but I just "felt" thinner and sure nuff - my waist had dropped another 1/2" since Wed! The hell with the scale, I'll take the inches. That is a total of 4" off my waist in 37 days. :D

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Postby Hopebaby » September 15th, 2007, 9:14 am

BabyTrace wrote:Hey Linda! :wave:

I completely understood what you said about being afraid to only weigh once a week incase you happen to be weighing on your heavy day. It's weird how much some of our thought processes are alike because I honestly considered only weighing once a week, but that's the exact fear that's kept we with my daily weighing! Luckily I've learned to roll with the flow and not let the ups and downs control my mood.

You are right on about 'why worry when you know you've been compliant'. Just keep doing what you are doing and you'll be slipping into the 20 lbs club real soon!

Tracy - I have decided that if my weight is up on a day I honor the scales with my presence and I know I have been compliant, I will write that weight down in my journal but weigh again the next morning to see if I go back down and not change my ticker until I see a gain for a while. Of course then I will have to figure out why!

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Postby Tawanda » September 15th, 2007, 9:29 am

The 1/2" is great and so is your total change in your waist measurements. I have a hard time staying off the scale, but am feeling a bit more 'free' when I don't step on it daily. Not that I'm eating differently on those days....it is just knowing that the number isn't always a true reflection of how I'm doing. Good for you for finding a happy solution for yourself and the darn scale.
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