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Postby Hopebaby » August 25th, 2007, 9:26 am

I could deal with this stall more easily if my life were going to be normal this weekend. The birthday party for my grandson that was supposed to happen next weekend, and which I thought I had a whole week to prepare for, was suddenly moved up to this weekend. I found that out at 10:00 last night. I was expecting a furniture delivery today too and I have been waiting for it for quite a while. So now I needed to get to the store and buy cake and ice cream even though I promised him a homemade cake... sigh. There is a good reason for the sudden change in plans but it put me in a tailspin. I have been running around but everything is done now. I have a bakery cake, ice cream, a card, etc. I already had his present thank goodness.

So they will all descend on me within the hour. I told them we are eating out because I am unprepared to cook. All my plans are out the window and I am scrambling to reorganize. So I am already overwraught and I didn't need the dang stall. I also bought new scales this morning that measure in .2 pound increments. My stupid old digital scales are from the ice age when they only came in 1 pound increments. Of course I stepped on the new ones "just to see" and what I saw made me even unhappier! I weigh more on them!!! For today I will tell myself it was just that I am wearing heavy clothes and had some water earlier. Tomorrow will be the big test. I may have to redo my ticker and start over again. I've already cried twice and now I feel like screaming.
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Postby bikipatra » August 25th, 2007, 10:23 am

I am sorry you are so upset. But the only time to trust a scale is first thing in the morning and practically naked. I just stepped on the scale and I weigh 155. You think I have gained 5 pounds since this morning? NO, of course not. I have been drinking water, tea, supplements and had my l&g. So please, be reasonable. Try some deep breathing. Just sit and have a glass of water. Take care of yourself. Scream if you need to!
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Postby oregonrose » August 25th, 2007, 3:24 pm

It is so hard when you have things all set in your mind and then plans change and it puts you in a dither! Hang in there, Your grandson will get over the store bought cake - as for the scale, First I put it away and told myself only once a week. Couldn't take that, I think I need the validation the scale gives when you are on plan - but drinking all that water really does add the scale during the day! I mean a lot of weight is water like she said! Don't get discouraged. You can do this!
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Postby katesmom » August 26th, 2007, 3:44 am

Just wanted to say Hi and Have a Great Day !
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Postby BabyTrace » August 26th, 2007, 5:56 am

Oh, Linda. Sorry you've been having such a trying weekend. I don't have much to add to what the others have said. Just know that I'm thinking about you and believe in you.

Friday morning I got up to a 2.2 lb GAIN. Of course it was disappointing, but at this stage in the game I know there's no way I ate an extra 7,000+ calories so I just stayed compliant and Saturday morning I was happy to see most of it gone.

Stalls are where practicing patience comes in. Just take a deep breath and stay compliant knowing happier days are coming. I promise!

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Postby Mickeyz » August 26th, 2007, 7:50 am

Just stopping by to say "hang in there and be kind to yourself". Don't let the scale get the best of you.

When I was about 3 weeks in to the program I bought a new digital scale. It weighed 3 lbs heavier than my old scale. I adjusted my starting weight up and moved forward.

I know you are feeling a bit discouraged right now, but in the big picture it is just a bump in the road. In a couple months when you have lost 20 lbs or more, you'll hardly even remember this. Keep your eye on the prize!

Hope you have a good day with your family.
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Postby BabyTrace » August 28th, 2007, 11:14 am

Hey Linda. Just popping in to say hi. I hope things are going smooth in your world and that you survived the birthday party.

Have a great day!

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Postby Mickeyz » August 29th, 2007, 2:09 pm

Just stopping by to say Hi. Hoping you are doing OK. :)
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Postby Hopebaby » August 29th, 2007, 2:19 pm

Thanks for stopping by and checking on me Tracy and Mickey!

After 10 VERY LONG days I finally lost 1 pound overnight last night. I talked to my HA today and they were scratching their head. I took your advice Mickey and went with the lowest carb products in what I have available. I am going to reorder this Friday and get the Diabetes package. I don't have diabetes but I do have glucose intolerance and I think there is just too much sugar and too many carbs for me to lose weight with the regular assortment. You would think the calories being so low I should still lose weight but my body starts pumping insulin if I even look at sugar.

So I will try the diabetes pack for a month and see if that makes a difference. I guess I am in the 10 pound club now but it took 20 days to get there! I've been reading posts off and on but had nothing positive to say so I didn't post.

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Postby Mickeyz » August 29th, 2007, 3:18 pm

I think that sounds like a good plan. You DID lose 10 lbs, but I know it must be frustrating. Hang in there though, I think you can get it worked out.

Your journal is here for you. It doesn't have to be all positive and upbeat. Use it for your benefit and get some support.

Sending hugs your way.
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Postby bikipatra » August 30th, 2007, 3:01 am

I really hope the diabetes plan works for you. I was on it for a month and a half and it really isn't so bad, just not as many flavors of shakes and drinks. But if you can get that scale moving, that's a small price to pay. I really want to see you succeed!
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Postby Hopebaby » August 30th, 2007, 3:55 am

Thanks Biki. I really debated on which system to get when I made my first order. I had been labeled pre-diabetic but the lack of variety worried me so I got the regular. Now I don't care so much about variety. I would just drink and eat oatmeal like you do. I don't care about chewing like some people do.

As soon as I get the time I need to change my ticker. I have been weighing on old scale and new scale for a few days to determine exactly how wrong my old scale is so I can adjust my starting weight. It looks like 5 pounds difference. Grrrr. The good news is I did lose another .4 overnight and with my old scales I wouldn't even know that. It just goes back and forth between numbers when you are in a half-pound range.

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Postby Tawanda » August 30th, 2007, 5:37 am

Frustrating days for you...wish it were different. Hopefully you'll soon see the scale numbers drop.
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Postby Hopebaby » August 30th, 2007, 8:26 am

Thanks T. It is discouraging to stall when others lose quickly. I wanted to be a hare too, not a tortoise! I can only do what I can do though so at least with the new scales I could possibly see a .2 loss on bad days where with the old scales I saw nothing.

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Postby Hopebaby » August 30th, 2007, 8:33 am

Well I just walked through a minefield and came out alive! The problem coworker was going to Wal-Mart (right across a residential street from my office) so I said I would go too because I have a list. We were walking so I couldn't buy the items on my list but since this is one of those neighborhood supercenters it is smaller and doesn't always have everything I need so I wanted to see if it was wothwhile to take my car over there at lunch time. It wasn't. THey didn't have most of what I needed but the .5 mile roundtrip walk was worth it, plus the time I spent walking around inside it.

Well my co-worker bought chocolate. No problem since I just ignored it. But - when we got back she brings it into my office, starts eating it and tries to talk me into eating some! (she knows I am dieting) I said no, no thanks, no sugar for me. She says, oh you can easily burn off sugar! I said (emphatically) NO, I can't. Sugar is poison to me. She said, hmmmm... I really shouldn't have bought this because I shouldn't be eating it either. She finally got the message and took her chocolate with her.

Thankfully I had already had my mid-morning supplement before I went over there so I wasn't hungry. I also know now to go to a different store after work tonight.

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