Ok, after my little tizzy last Friday worrying about the "expense" of Medifast, and reading people here saying it must be cheaper than groceries plus going-out-food plus take-out, I thought I'd find out!
So I tallied up August and September - every PENNY I spent on groceries, take-out, and, um, the "package store." Wow. Keeping in mind these costs are just FOR ME...
August: $509.75
September: $794.53 (LOTS and lots of take-out!!)
Jumping Jehoshaphat!!
Cripes, it's amazing I managed to gas up the car and pay my rent too! Now I know where a big chunk of extra money I got in September went. Terrifying. And to think I budgeted $200 a month for groceries in my dinky spreadsheet.
Now I can look at it with the Real Life glasses on. That $300/month on Medifast hardly seems like a big deal! Figure I spend maybe $100 more on sundries and my little Lean & Green meals for the month... it's STILL cheaper than before.
Medifast is making me thinner but my wallet fatter
And I have so much more time at night now that I'm not driving around picking up my "dinner"/heart attack in a box. More time to visit with you guys! Heh!!