The holidays got me.

Starting again today @ 212 was down to 203. Just can't seam to get under the 200 mark. My goal right now is to hit 199.9.
Anyone else have problems with the holidays?
I did great Christmas eve.
We went to my cousins house. I stayed away from all the food. My cousins husband didn't know I was on a diet. We was playing cards. ( my way of staying away from the food) He sat down next to me with a big piece of chocalate cake.( I think at this point I had to wipe the droul from my chin

The next day we go to my brothers house for xmas breakfast. My Mom started that a few years before she pasted away. So we still do it in memory of her. (My brother now owns my moms house. ) Everything was going great. My brother and family was very understanding. My brother couldn't have breakfast either. (Has high cloesteral )
No one was bothering me or anything. I brought my medifast. Then all of a sudden I couldn't take it any more. I eat. We were also going to my other cousins house for supper. I haven't gottin back on MF intill today.
I know what my problem was. The holidays really get me with out my mom. & this was the first xmas with out my grandmother. She past away in May 2005. @ 94 years old. She had a good life.
The good news is i'm back on MF.

I was on the tread mill today and I did 5 miles. burned 268 fat & 859 calories. Hope that wasn't to much. Does anyone know how many calories we should burn in a day?
I think my book is done now.
Have a good night everyone.