by Lauren » April 1st, 2008, 7:44 am
Good morning, Holberry! So happy to see you back in the game! I am thrilled that you took the time to recognize how far you've come since this time last year. We all (especially women, who are lousy at this!) must really spend more time complimenting ourselves and recognizing the positive aspects of ourselves and our actions, as opposed to admonishing ourselves for our misteps.
You are light years ahead of where you were last year, and for that you should be beaming with pride! Use that pride, and the awareness of what you can achieve with determination, to propel you forward in this next leg of the "game!"
Oh, and I wanted to make a quick note to Katie on her post above - it doesn't (or shouldn't) matter if you have something coming up, be it a holiday, work event, family occasion, whatever, in the role that MF plays in your life. You can and should still attend and enjoy any event or non-event that comes your way - it has nothing to do with food. I know you're all snickering at me, but I am serious. The joy in events is NOT the food, it's the people, the celebration, the family, friends, whatever. So that should not factor into anybody's success story. I PROMISE you that you will have just as good a time (if not more, since you'll feel so proud) sticking to your MF at these occasions than you would if you stuffed yourself and then hated yourself for the next 24 hours! :-)
Keep on rocking it, pretty ladies, you owe it to your fabulous selves to give yourself the life you deserve - one full of health and happiness!