Hngry!!! Help please? Pretty please???

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Hngry!!! Help please? Pretty please???

Postby VTGirlie » May 19th, 2006, 8:50 am

Hi guys!

Day 5, 4 pounds down.

Yesterday was great- I was on top of the world!

Today, for some reason I am SUPER hungry, munchy and otherwise complaining. :x

I looked back at my day yesterday and didn't see anything that would have knocked me out of whack. I'm still in a place where I follow very closely and don't even try recipes, etc. yet.

Any thoughts on this? HELP! Weekend is coming and that is a hard time!!! :tears:

Thanks so much!

Bets :lol:
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Postby Sarya » May 19th, 2006, 9:06 am

Your body is still adjusting to the diet so it may not be anything in particular that has caused your cravings. Are you approaching that time of the month? Sometimes it can make you more hungry. How much water are you drinking? I found that drinking a lot (16 glasses of pure water) a day really helped my hunger and cravings. Also. some people find that if they use diet products with sugar substitutes in them that their cravings and hunger are worse. I would suggest drinking more water (if that's possible). If you are still hungry, have an extra supplement or an approved snack. It'll go away again just stick to plan and you'll get through it! :)
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Postby dede4wd » May 19th, 2006, 9:11 am

Sorry you have the hungries!

Sarya gave you some great advice, so I just wanted to tell you I'm there with you and I KNOW you can get through this! I'm rooting for you!

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Postby VTGirlie » May 19th, 2006, 9:16 am

:? :?

Really. THe support here makes all the difference. Going off plan just isn't an option but sometimes I have to take it 10 minutes at a time.

It is just frustrating to do so well and then take a step back.

Guess it is like any good dance, right? :lol:
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Postby Sarya » May 19th, 2006, 9:27 am

It is terribly frustrating :) I spent the first half of this week feeling like I was starving!! (which I wasn't.. my tummy was full but my brain.. eh) Now today I could barely get through my soup! I also spent most of the last week without any movement on the scale. I really just think it's my body adjusting. It doesn't make it easy of course, but I do think it helps me to know I'm not the only one who experiences these problems.

I hope your hunger and cravings take care of themselves soon!

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Postby VTGirlie » May 19th, 2006, 9:51 am

It's very true that knowing others are in "your boat" helps a lot. At least to know you aren't out there rowing alone! :)

Hey, how do you post an animated graphic?

Thanks! :)
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Postby GeorgiaGirl » May 19th, 2006, 10:13 am

I can relate to the hungries early on.
Reading your post tho' reminded me of somthing I read, I think it was Oprah, who said that she noticed that as she was losing weight - she would get terribly hungry, munchies and all that - but that if she held out she would invariably lose. The thought is that our bodies are suddenly realizing they are going to have to change - and that it's their way of hanging on in lieu of starving.
I thought it made sense - whether it's true or not - who knows --but hey, if it helps you get through a rough patch - then why not?
Hang in there! You can do this!!
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Postby Mom23 » May 19th, 2006, 10:17 am

I'm sorry you have the munchies -- why don't you try drinking some water or having a MF approved snack. I find a celery stalk does wonders when I need to chew on something :) If you find that you are being tempted by something :twisted: -- stop by here instead of caving in -- this place has saved me from disaster more times than I'd like to admit! :roll: You are going to be so successful and I can't wait to hear all about your losses! :D
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