LilMs ~ I DO love your new avatar, too! Isn't this fun?You are changing before our very

Dogma, thanks for your question.
As ar as I know, there are no immediate plans to change the ingredients or composition of the products. The high fructose is a simple sugar syrup. All ingredients used in the Medifast foods are listed on the label – FDA inspected facilities and foods require that nothing be omitted – that is really to our advantage so we can choose the products that we prefer - that is not so of other foods and products that we purchase at health food stores - there can be things in the products that are not listed.
High Fructose corn syrup is one of the ingredients used in the regular line of bars and is used as a binding agent to make the soy into a solid form (It is not used in the diabetic bars, which are of a slightly different consistency).
The American palate is accustomed to sugar and sweet things – it is a challenge to make products that are low in sugar and yet satisfy the acquired sweet sensations our taste buds want. That’s one of the reasons only one bar is permitted for the weight loss program.
The main non-nutritive sweetener used in the shakes and other Medifast products is acesulfame potassium.