Hey Im a newby and loving it

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Hey Im a newby and loving it

Postby Saraak » January 7th, 2006, 12:17 pm

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself. Name is Sara, I'm 24 and I live in Florida. I married a wonderful chef but unfortunately gained 60 lbs. in the process. Im looking to lose 60 lbs. and I wanted something somewhat quick but healthy. My mom told me about this. She did this after I was born and said it was the only thing that ever worked for her. This is my forth day on the diet and I've lost 5lbs. and I'm thrilled with it. I'm amazed at how full and satisfied I am. Well I look forward to chatting with all of you and learning more about this diet from you guys!!

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One more quick question.

Postby Saraak » January 7th, 2006, 12:19 pm

I ordered my first month supply through ebay and unfortunately the guy didn't send me a beginners guide. Anyone know where I can get one?? Thanks.
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Postby Serendipity » January 7th, 2006, 12:33 pm

Hi Saraak and welcome. You can download the Quick Start Guide at the Medifast website.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 7th, 2006, 12:46 pm

Hi Sara and welcome to the forum,
Click the link below for the Quick Start Guide:

Medifast Quick Start Guide
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 2:21 am

Welcome to you – :shock: Wow! You are already a loser! Very :shades: cool!

Saraak, since you are a newbie and we have many others just starting their program this week, too I thought I would take the time to reply to your note here
I ordered my first month supply through ebay and unfortunately the guy didn't send me a beginners guide.

The ebay guy probably didn’t send the guide because most likely he isn’t an authorized distributor.

The ebay guy probably doesn't provide guidance with the program, assist with product selection or support his buyers either and that's why we recommend that people have a Health Advisor.

The ebay guy most likely is not a certified Health Advisor because the company policy does not permit Health Advisors to cut the prices on the products.

Take Shape For Life is a subsidiary of Medifast Diet – the Medifast weight loss products cost the same price whether you buy them directly through Medifast Diet or through Take Shape For Life independent health advisors. Medifast Diet distributes the products. Take Shape For Life is the program and support end for Medifast Diet.

We are not a wholesale buying club and TSFL Health Advisors in fact pay the same price for their own personal Medifast products as do their customers. We are paid by the company to help our clients. When a person has a Health Advisor they may pay a little more for their products than they pay the ebay guy but then they get so much more for their money, too. In my humble opinion. :mrgreen:

We wish you continued success. I know all about that living with a :chef: chef situation….my son-in-law is a :chef: chef, too. Sheesh! Now we need to get those chefs to create some spectacular Lean and Green-legal meals for our 5 and 1 Program!
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