Need some advice. I'll brief you on the situation, then see what you guys think. Saw a friend that I hadn't seen in about a month, since our Labor Day party (pre M.F.) at 218 lbs. They said, "You look great. I can tell you lost weight!" I said, " Thanks......I've lost 20 lbs. and haven't cheated in 3 1/2 weeks since I started. (didn't go into detail about the plan) They said, Oh, you don't want to lose too fast, that's not good for you plus you don't want to be too restrictive because that will lead to binging." Being that I still have at least 50 lbs. more to lose , I just thanked them for noticing the 20 lbs. I had lost at the time and we then started talking about other things. So that is the first thing that started messing with my mind. Second is ....since I still have alot of weight to lose, I will be on plan for a while. How do you not get bored of the M.F. foods after a while? I know there is variety, but you guys that have been on plan for a long time no what I mean. Can you share how you've kept on plan even when sometimes the variety of regular food may be tempting? I would appreciate some advice from the successful "veterns" since today is only my 1 month anniversary staying with M.F. Which for me is a long time! Sometimes I miss just cooking a really delicious dinner that everyone likes, for my family, without having to think about making some thing for me on the side or what's allowed what's not, and just sitting down at the dinningroom table with everyone and enjoying myself. I'm still a "rookie" though and could use some advice from the more experienced. I feel good. I'm still on plan. TOM will arrive any day now. At least PMS will be ending! Thanks!