Hey, Y'all!
My hubby just called to tell me that my goodies have arrived!
That means, Time To Start!
Historians take note: Start Date April 3, 2007!!!
We'll be headin' to the beach this year for my birthday - the weekend of June 21st. That gives me about three months of MediFast before swimsuit time! I need to hit Tan It All - I figure if I'm gonna put the fat out there, it might as well be tan fat!
I can't wait to see how much of a change MF will make in three months!
Thank y'all so much for all the boobage info! I think I was feeling like I needed to make a decision soon, since I'm scheduled to see the plastics guy soon. But after talking with you all, I think I will give MF time to work it's magic! My primary doc told me that even after I lose weight, the twins won't change, but what would a guy know, right? Biki has already proven him wrong! 7 inches - WOW! You must've had to buy a whole new wardrobe!
I think I'll still keep the appointment, though, just to have the consultation on the books. Even after I'm my new MF skinny self, I think I'd like to bring perky back some day. I recently had to buy my first "F" bra.
I wonder why they skip "E"? E sounds so much better than F. I so miss those perky "C" days back in my 20's! Sometimes I still take out the sexy old C's just to look at how pretty bras can be at that size. Now my boobies laugh at C's - they know there's no C cup that can hold them back!
There's nothing sexy about a bra cup I can fit my whole head in (another story for another time....).
Serendipidy, you know it's true, anyone can have cutlet cleavage. My four year old nephew found his mama's cutlets the other day. Just one cutlet down the front of his shirt made a pretty good bosom for him. We found the other one stuck to my sleeping brother's forehead. That's what he gets for napping on 4-year-old duty!
ChellA, I was wondering, what was your reduction experience like? Did you heal up quickly? Scars fade or stay? I have to admit, I fear pain ... but to have nips that point north again ... or even vaguely forward .... and to see my toes! (and everything in between
Jamie (PinkPrincess) - I was wondering, since there will be about three days a week when I will have an extra shake or two, should I take up exercise to balance the extra meals? I know I've seen a treadmill somewhere under the piles of ironing and laundry...
SHOUT OUT to Judy and Ted from Oregon, my new sponsors!
So nice that you caught me with a margarita in one hand and a tortilla in the other when you called to introduce yourselves Saturday night!
(So much for cutting back carbs early - that was one really looong day.) Really, I'm so glad to meet y'all! Thank you so much for taking me on!
So here we go! I've got my Crystal Light tea in one hand and my shaker in the other. Bring it on!
Love from Texas,