Ok, Ok, so my math was a little off!!! That's the same reason why I have been unable to add up how much weight I have gained over the past few years!! But thanks for the correction LET'S GO PRINCESS PEE-A-LOT!!!
Thanks guys it really means more to me than you could imagine to have all you guys in my corner pushing me on. I could have cried when I saw 200......so so so close!
What is it with me! I woke up today like yesterday and I am retaining water big time. My ring is tight so I know I am retaining quite a bit but why NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am watching my sodium today and although I am not usually a daily weigher.......I will make an exception right now.
Terri~ I bet you are there by the time you read this!
Why does it seem like our body picks milestones to have plateaus at?
My husband has been stuck at 190 for a week, I was stuck at 170 for the longest time...Several of you stuck right at a major milestone! It's really strange!
Well I can't call it a plateu and I really can't complain being that I did lose 4 last week despite the moon and TOM arriving the day before weigh in! I will weigh tomorrow but if not then I guess I will have to wait til Sunday!
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Well Lisa, again we are in the same boat, I was actually up by .8 this morning... uggggggggg
Starting to believe that there really is no onderland, it is all a conspiracy to make me think I am fat... I am really a tall slender model of a woman that is being targeted by forces that are far more powerful than I....
Oh well, hubby hid the scale again, said I was obsessing... so I will have to wait until either (1) I find that d**m thing, or (2) I do actually run up to the dentist office in my office building, throw the doors open and scream , " Everyone, out of my way, I need those scales".
Actually, maybe we both just need to do what I mentioned at the start of my post... LOL, Nancy says that it averages 2lbs so that should get us there...