by supermom » April 17th, 2006, 8:40 am
AWW Thanks Joan. I am struggling with critical care right now. I have been an A student all the way through school, but this class is kicking my @ss. I think because I just have so much going on with my family, plus the added stress of having to fight to get back into school. I had to drop out last fall. I delivered my third child 17 weeks premature, had an abruption, had to have 18 unitis transfused, went into DIC, almost died, blah blah blah. This all happened on the first day of class. I guess that me calling them the day after the emergency c-section was not enough. They would not let my husband withdraw me from my classes, they would not let me withdraw online. As a result, the semester was half over by the time I could get to the business office in person and withdraw. They said that I dropped 3 classes midway through the semester and the school policy is only 2 classes may be repeated. Oh, and did I mention that during my first semester my oldest son, at the time only just 3 years old, was diagnosed with brain cancer. I had to drop out then to take care of him. It really is hard to succeed in a world where you are told over and over agian that you do not deserve to be there. I know that I am just making excuses for myself, I just am having a heck of a time letting go of this. Anyway, thanks again for your encouragement and sorry for all of my rambling on about being treated unfair.