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Postby dede4wd » May 6th, 2006, 12:43 pm

Hi Sarya,
I hope day 2 is going well for you! Yell if we can do anything to help!

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Postby Sarya » May 6th, 2006, 2:14 pm

Hi Dede! I'm doing okay. I was sooo hungry this morning until I had my third supplement (all spaced two hours apart). Then I ended up taking a nap for like three hours! I'm eating my lean and green now (roasted garlic chicken and broccoli!) so I think I'll be ok for the rest of the day. I keep feeling like I have too much meat on my plate both yesterday and today. This really can't be true, but I think I need to get one of those nifty digital scales just to be sure. It just seems like so much food which is funny because it's maybe half the size of what I used to eat for dinner :D weird.

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Postby Sarya » May 7th, 2006, 6:08 am

On MyMedifast I scheduled my weigh-ins for Sundays so this morning when I got up I went to weigh myself, and I was down 8 lbs. I didn't think this could be true so I moved the scale around the house weighing myself. So clearly this would have to be mostly water weight, but I'm telling you I've never ever lost water weight on any diet in the past! So cool. I still might buy a new digital scale though ;) Right now I just have one of those old fashion scales with the wheel on the bottom to adjust to 0.

I've been having headaches. I can't wait for those to go away. I know they will because I've done the whole detox thing before and gone through this. I was craving pretty bad last night, but a celery stalk and hot sauce seemed to take care of it. heh.

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