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Postby ASLEAG » February 10th, 2006, 9:06 pm

I placed my order tonight and will begin the program on Friday Feb. 17th. I have tried everything and really need a plan that can work with my crazy busy lifestyle. :aarggh:
I am miserable because of my weight but am very excited to start the program. Reading the differents posts has been very encouraging. I will be 30 this year and am 5'7 and about 240 pounds. I have a goal in mind but I am heading into this with a "one day at a time" attitude. :mrgreen:
I enjoy excercise but have such a full schedule and lack of motivation, so I find it difficult to get off my butt and MOVE!

I am sick of excuses and can't wait to MOVE! :coolnana:

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Postby DogMa » February 11th, 2006, 1:53 am

Welcome, ASLEAG. A lot of us here have not had much success on other programs, for whatever reason, but have been successful with Medifast. I hope you enjoy it, and please post any questions you have.

Good luck!

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 11th, 2006, 9:51 am

Hi Asleag and welcome to the forum,

This program is perfect for a busy lifestyle. It's healthy fast food on the go. Just be sure to plan ahead and you'll be on your way to thinsville.

The forum's a little slow on the weekends, but i'm sure others will join in and welcome you too.....

Keep us posted...:)
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Postby Jan » February 12th, 2006, 8:57 am

Hi Asleag,
In not toooo long you'll be on the road to "thindom" with the rest of us. You won't be feeling bad about those extra pounds for toooo much longer. You'll be saying a very very happy "good-bye" and don't come visit again!!! Please follow the program exactly and drink drink drink your water. :D That's the way to part with the pounds in the fastest safest way possible. I'll be watching for you :roll:
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Postby stelar » February 12th, 2006, 9:34 am

Welcome Asleag! This is a great support team to join & MF really works! You can't help but have success as long as you stick to the program. My schedule is always pretty crazy & this fits in perfectly with just a little bit of preplanning. I've never been a fast loser but with MF I am. You will be too! :goodluck:

Welcome to the MF family! :hug:
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Postby cydj21 » February 12th, 2006, 2:39 pm

Welcome, ASLEAG! :D

You have absolutely come to the right place....especially if your lifestyle is hectic! As one busy person to another, I can truly attest that Medifast has made eating simple, easy, and convenient. Scheduling meals around my commitments is one of the things that lead to my weight gain and in the past made weight loss difficult. MF has changed all that for me and it will for you too! :D

Congratulations on making this wonderful first step for yourself and good luck!
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