Here goes Day #2 for Tami...again

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Here goes Day #2 for Tami...again

Postby TamiL » December 15th, 2005, 11:07 am

Hey everyone....its day 2 for me, yesterday wasnt hard at all, it was actually "refreshing" to know that everything i was puttnig in my body was healthy for me!! no sugar, no white flour, no junk....just healthy medifast supplements!! Does anyone notice that when your eating less, or medifasting truly...that you wake up earlier in the mornings? I woke up so I used to do when I was on this in the past!! its like your body is roaring with energy or something! cuz its not all filled up with crap from the night before I guess!! I also find that its easier to do right now because I am injured..and I am home alot, so I can set my clocks to when I need shakes and I have no tempting food home with me!! so for the next few days...I will be home before attempting to go back to work, which I find out today if my Doc will allow me back...if he does great, cuz all this sitting at home is making me depressed, but now that Ive started medifast..for only ONE day..I feel much better!! :) so even if im stuck inside...I feel better about it!! its like these are MAGIC shakes....Ive felt this magic before..and I DONT WANT TO LOOSE IT THIS TIME!!

so heres to day 2....shakin and clean!!

Tami ;)

Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
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Postby Jan » December 15th, 2005, 11:16 am

Hi Tamil
You are doing great. Yes, most of us "spring " out of bed in the morning when we are on program. I think it has something to do with the limitation of carbs -- but I'm just guessing. I know for me carbs make me sleepy ---- hmmmm --
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Postby Nancy » December 16th, 2005, 11:43 pm

TamiL ~

Yup, the renewed energy is wonderful! Use this opportunity to clean your closets, straighten the drawers and paint the bedroom! Hah!

It is cool that you are home right now to get your program established and off to a great start and then when you return to work, you will have the habit of health under your thinnin' belt and your co-workers will begin to notice your success and wonder what you are up to - hee hee!
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