Help Me---I would KILL for a cheeseburger right about now...

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Help Me---I would KILL for a cheeseburger right about now...

Postby Elimatal » October 5th, 2005, 1:27 pm

I am on day five of my MF diet, and for some reason, I am craving real food right now---a cheeseburger would be wonderful!! :? I don't understand why---I've been keeping myself busy and distracted but it isn't helping much. I am really getting both frusterated, and desperate-HELP, PLEASE!!!
started medifast 10/01/05-220/200/125

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Postby Gwenski » October 5th, 2005, 2:22 pm

It so is not worth the jail time for a cheeseburger. Well, you have some choices here............go out for a stroll, take a nice bath, sit down and write an old friend a letter, crack open your favorite book or movie, organize the clothes in your closet from largest size to smallest.

Dare I tell you that you could get extra-extra lean ground beef put a little Molly McButter Cheese on it with your ketchup, tomato and roll it in a big old leaf of lettuce for a No-Carb style burger? I like to put garlic salt on the burger before grilling it cause it infuses some extra tastiness.

Great - now I am drooling and already put a chicken breat out to thaw -- oh well, I can change my mind!

Whatever you do, DO NOT drive or walk by a burger joint or listen too or watch commericals with burgers in it. Visualize how you are going to feel in your body once your reach your goal, what kinds of things you will be doing and wearing.

You will be fine -- trust me - it is going to be alright!

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Postby Lisa Renee » October 5th, 2005, 2:38 pm

PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE CHEESEBURGER. KEEP YOUR HANDS UP AND COME TOWARD US. Believe me, as someone who has cheated before, it's sooooooooooo not worth it!!! You will feel awful afterwards. If all else fails, have another MF if you have to. It would be a better choice than turning to high fat high carb foods. This will only make you have to restart your diet and it will take another 3 days to get back into ketosis. We are here for you. HOLD ON!!! If you need a friend, call me at my home number. I will pm you!!! Better yet, do you have a health advisor? Call them ASAP.
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Postby jentuke » October 6th, 2005, 10:18 am

The food we used to eat and now want is never as good as we remember. My craving has been for a really good hot dog. I don't know why, I never ate that many hotdogs, but man do I want one. I haven't had one though, and I know the craving will be replaced by something else eventually.

Also, it is good to analyze the craving - when you crave a cheese burger are you really craving that or is your body just asking for more sodium and maybe some oils? Sometimes kids eat dirt. It isn't because it tastes good, but their bodies are looking for additional nutrients found in the soil. Sounds wierd, but our bodies ask for what they need. Sometimes it comes in a wierd package. Maybe you just need a substitute. It's no cheeseburger, but you might try some boullion to get some additional sodium in your diet and use a good olive oil to create an oil and vinegar dressing for your next salad to give your body some healthy oils.
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Postby Gwenski » October 6th, 2005, 11:24 am

Jentuke is a wise wise person! I had a friend who would believe it or not craved dirt around that time of the month --- she needed iron according to her doctor.

The medifast crackers seem to get me through it when I want something a little crunchy and salty....Sometimes when I fix the chili I present it in a little bowl with the crackers around it so I think I am having chips and dip -- heck it is the little things that tricked our brains to get to the weight we are now so it is reverse pyschology back at my brain. I even have a little heart dish that I cut my bars into peanut M&M size bites into and I think I am having a real treat and it ends up being one.

Elimatal -- my hamburger patty in your honor last night was great - thanks for the idea. To tell the truth the meat tastes almost better without all the other stuff getting in the way! Hope you are doing ok!!! Let us know!

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lean and green

Postby deecee » October 6th, 2005, 3:10 pm

i sorry to hear that you're struggling. the burger w/ no carbs is a good one. try it and see if it relieves your cravings. things will get better as time moves on and you discover what mf foods you can eat to substsute thoses cravings
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Thanks Guys!

Postby Elimatal » October 9th, 2005, 4:25 pm

Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions---I plan to try the "no-carb" version of a cheeseburger in the very near future....I am happy to report that I did not give in :D , but somehow, even though I have been vigillent with this diet, I have managed to gain 6 pounds in the past few days... :x I really don't have an explanation for this sudden weight gain :?: and am really bothered by it. :scratch:
started medifast 10/01/05-220/200/125

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Postby Gwenski » October 10th, 2005, 8:48 am

Stay the course - your body will figure it all out. Just don't let the scale mess with your head. If you did a grand finale before starting, it may just be hitting you now --- commit yourself to staying on program for a month and see if you can limit your scale time to a couple of times..........and not in the same hour or week.

Patience is the suckiest virtue of all in our society but if you trust in yourself and Medifast and will work out for you!

Happy Monday!!!!!

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