You will probably have bowel movements less frequently than normal because of the decreased food intake. If you have hard stools or feel constipated, try to drink more fluids and/or increase exercise. Take a sugar-free fiber supplement such as Metamucil. We recommend orange-flavored, smooth textured Metamucil. Take 1-2 tsp. dissolved in water once a day. You may use stool softener pills or laxatives if necessary.
As soluble fiber dissolves in water, it absorbs excess liquid in the colon. This adds bulk to the stool and keeps the GI muscles stretched gently around a full colon. Interestingly, this bulk-forming action appears to help relieve both constipation and diarrhea. Constipation is helped as the soluble fiber creates softer, larger stools that can more easily pass through the colon. Soluble fiber helps diarrhea by forming a thick gel that slows the explosive bowel movements which result in diarrhea.
During the first week or so on the program, some people experience diarrhea from the body's adjustment to the concentration of nutrients in the supplements. This will usually subside after a few days. Using too much sugar-free gum or mints can also cause diarrhea.
As soluble fiber dissolves in water, it absorbs excess liquid in the colon. This adds bulk to the stool and keeps the GI muscles stretched gently around a full colon. Interestingly, this bulk-forming action appears to help relieve both constipation and diarrhea. Constipation is helped as the soluble fiber creates softer, larger stools that can more easily pass through the colon. Soluble fiber helps diarrhea by forming a thick gel that slows the explosive bowel movements which result in diarrhea.
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