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Postby Laurenlala » February 22nd, 2006, 5:33 am

I started back to work last week (I started MF on Jan 10th and lost 19 lbs up until last week) - Problem is....I am pretty much on the road - I have been making everything in the morning and putting it in a cooler - wrapping the hot stuff in tin foil, etc. but it is just not working for me. When I get to the shake, it's not fresh - no matter how much I shake it up, part of it settles to the bottom and after the first couple of days, I have no desire to have a pre-made shake - the soups, etc. are cold by the time I'm suppose to have them and cold soup - not good. I dont have access to a microwave, blender, stove, etc. and I have fallen off of MF and really really really want to get back on - I thought 19lbs in 5 weeks was really good but now, due to my dilema, I'm sure I've gained some. Afraid to get back on the scale. Does anyone have any suggestions for the MF program on the road?
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Postby Marseilles » February 22nd, 2006, 5:36 am

I would suggest either the ready to drink shakes in a cooler, you can keep them on ice that way, or bottles of water and your shaker jar so you can make them right as you need them. If you keep the water on ice you will have nice fresh shakes exactly when you need them. Granted, you would be limited to shakes while on the road but you could always do one bar a day as well. Good luck with this, I know you can do it!!!

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Postby JustLynda » February 22nd, 2006, 5:58 am

I make the soups ahead of time and then put them in a Thermos brand 10 oz. soup thermos (found mine at Wal-Mart). It keeps things hot (really, really hot) for 4-6 hours and very warm for several hours after.

Also, if you have a cooler, you can make the pudding ahead of time and just bring along a plastic spoon.
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Postby Serendipity » February 22nd, 2006, 6:18 am

7-11 or Sheetz convenience stores are everywhere. You could use the hot water they have for tea to make soup.

I would highly recommend the ready to drind shakes. They are great for traveling!

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 22nd, 2006, 6:24 am

Great ideas everyone!!! I just have to comment on the thermos idea! For me, it REALLY IS the best way to eat the soups no matter ifyou're on the road or at home. Something about it staying hot in the thermos for a few hours just brings out the flavor, softens everything up, puffs up the noodles n such. I love it and I don't travel ;)
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Postby Laurenlala » February 22nd, 2006, 6:31 am

Thanks guys - I'm already packed for the day but I'll be on the look-out for the thermos - and shaking up the shake on the spot sounds good too - I've got to get back on track and I'm sure your suggestions will help.
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Try this...

Postby onehotmommy » February 22nd, 2006, 2:04 pm

You can get those cooler/heater chest things that plug into your cigarette lighter. I think they are like $20 or $25 a piece or something. I saw them at Linens n Things when I was there. If I knew I had to be on the road like that and I wanted to stay on this plan, I would probably bite the bullet and go that route. You can use their 20% off coupons on them too :) Just be sure you go in twice ;)
Hope this helps!
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Postby DogMa » February 22nd, 2006, 3:28 pm

Great suggestions, everyone. Also, even though it's not exactly on plan and I wouldn't do it all the time, you might have an extra bar a day. They're the most convenient Medifast item there is, and even if it's not quite right, it's better than going off the plan entirely.

But everyone's right; you can get hot or cold water almost anywhere and just mix something up on the spot with a shaker jar or Blender Bottle (warning on the Blender Bottle, though; I had one in my carry-on coming back from vacation yesterday, and they had to hand-search my bag to figure out what the little metal thingie was).

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Postby big ron » February 22nd, 2006, 3:46 pm

I too travel allot. In fact I drive all over south texas. I went to a truck stop and bought a water heater that plugs into the lighter. Works great allot of times I will stop at a store like 7-11 type store and most have microwaves. I will buy a large water take in a plastic bowl(like a coolwhip container). pour a cups worth(actually I put 2 cups worth because I always add a boulion cube to give more volume). The stores never have said anything to me. Also I found a 12 volt blender I make shakes with. The ready to drink shakes are new to me but I now use them more as a convenience. Ron
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