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Postby Shellster218 » November 9th, 2005, 6:08 pm

Hi, I was just writing because I am new to this program and i'm having such a hard time, I have been sooooo hungry, today is my 3 day and it seems to be getting harder, can anyone offer some advice to how I get through the hunger pains. I ate 2 pickles today besides my six meals and tried to chew gum but I am very very hungry. If anyone could help I would appreciate it. Thanks
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Postby mama2benandrachel » November 9th, 2005, 6:11 pm

Hi Shellster, How much water are you drinking? Tell us what you are eating and at what times.

It does get easier, I promise you!!
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Postby Shellster218 » November 9th, 2005, 6:14 pm


I drank a shake at 8:00 am, I had oatmeal at 10:30, I had another shake at 12:30, I had a bar at 3:00, I ate my lean and green (chicken and salad) at 5:00, yes I am drinking all my water. Thanks mama
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Postby Jan » November 9th, 2005, 6:42 pm

Hi Shellster,
At first it is hard. But hang in there and make it through the first few days. Your body is adjusting to program. I like to drink hot liquids -- they help me. I have a cup of tea with splenda and a little milk. Keeps my tummy full. Plus, be careful with the gum. The sugar free gum can make you feel hungry as can sugar free candy etc. I think it is the sorbitol -- which can cause other very unpleasant problems too!! :oops:
Did you order any crackers?? They are nice to munch and quite inexpensive. Try drinking some boulion and eat a couple of celery sticks-- that will add a little bulk and may help you feel full. If you are absolutely starving have an extra shake. It is a good choice -- won't throw off the balance and may get you through the first few difficult days.
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Postby Shellster218 » November 9th, 2005, 6:51 pm

Thank you Jan for the advice, I will definately try your suggestions, i'm sure it will be better tomorrow, I know i'm not supposed to weigh but I started on monday and i'm already down 6 lbs so hopefully that will keep me going, thanks again
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Postby Shellster » November 9th, 2005, 6:53 pm

Hi again, I didn't get any crackers, can we eat those as a snack?
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Postby Jan » November 10th, 2005, 6:02 pm

Yes, you are allowed one package of the Medifast Crackers each day. You can have them with your soup or save them for a snack( that's what I do) I dip them in my tea and tell myself I am having something really special :mrgreen: There are two different kinds -- multigrain or garden veggie -- I like them both.
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Postby BumbleBee » November 11th, 2005, 9:31 am

Hi Shell,

I was just looking at your daily meals. It looks like, but I could be wrong but are you getting your 5 supplements in? I am only counting 4 that you listed with your lean and green. Make sure that you are getting all 5 in and of course drink lots of water. I sometimes have a cup of decaff coffee to get me to the next supplement if I'm hungry. Hope this help. ;)
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Postby Shellster » November 11th, 2005, 12:15 pm

Thank you for the advice. Actually I am getting all 5 of my supplements, I forgot the list the evening one. I am doing pretty good today. I finished my first week and I lost 6 lbs and I am soooo excited. I did have a cup of boulion(sp) yesterday, that seemed to help me get through, I don't like coffee or tea, so that seemed to help. I didn't know that you could have snacks. Thanks for everything. Michelle
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Postby Nicki » November 11th, 2005, 5:02 pm

Way to hang in there in your tough first week Michelle!! :hi5: Keep it up, its worth it!
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Postby Shellster » November 11th, 2005, 5:42 pm

Thank you nikki for the encouragement. I seemed to need it. LOL Thanks again.
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Postby mytime » November 12th, 2005, 12:24 am

Michelle - I had a hard first three days, but honestly I was hungry for about 3 weeks. Now not to be the bearer of bad news... this does not have to be the case for you and several others have said they were not hungry at all. What helped me was taking an acid blocker - like pepcid AC - I took a generic. If you look in success in a shaked jar they recommend that you can take twice the dose on the box - this is the MD strength - I did not know this at the time so I only took one, but it really helped with the tummy grumbles. I chew a lot of gum - try to stay under 5 pieces a day and chew Trident. I like the mint b.c the flavor lasts forever, but I think at times it does make me hungier. STICK WITH IT !!! You are doing AWESOME !!!! I also try and eat my oatmeal and my bar both with 32 oz of water - it just seems to help me. HANG IN THERE and KEEP POSTING !!!! Mytime
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Postby Shellster » November 12th, 2005, 7:31 pm

Thank you for the advice and to let me know that i'm normal, lol that i'm not the only one that was starving, it has gotten better, today I could actually go 3 hours and not be starving, It's only been 7 days and things are looking up, thank again for your advice.
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Postby Lady Bug » November 14th, 2005, 8:10 pm

Hi Shellster:
You are doing so well !!!! :hi5: You can do this cuz the "hunger" does go away. We promise!! I agree with my time. (AWESOME AWESOME pictures mytime ).... I was soooo hungry the first couple of weeks but IT DOES go away. I think I was confusing hunger with cravings. I started making a MF Chocolate Pudding with a lot of ice and put it in my Magic Bullit and WOW, it's like I'm cheating. They are so very good. I have one before bedtime....... I feel like it's a snack. :mrgreen:

Trust us, it does get better and you ARE doing so good. Just keep up the good thoughts and you will meet goal!!! It's so rewarding!!!

Keep posting we are here for you. ;) :lol: :D :-P

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Postby Shellster » November 14th, 2005, 8:45 pm

Evie, thank you for the good advice, and the encouragement, it has gotten better. thanks Hey how do you make that choc pudding with ice, i would love to try it. Please let me know. Thanks
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