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Postby armeewyf » October 2nd, 2005, 6:31 am

My Martha! I see yu! I was a little worried...and your advise to her is exactly right on. Watch the bars...I learned from 24k early on not to eat them in the evening. Actually I alternate days I eat a bar unless for convenience (out running errands, etc) I must to get the supplement in, then its my 4th MF of the day. I was different though because before MF I did a low carb diet for abt 9 mos--I was successful but my body got used to low carb so I guess I am a little carb sensitive now. ALSO, like Nancy said, don't weigh everyday. I don't have a problem with that because I hate the scale and have a little obsession thing going on with it. Its almost time for my MONTHLY weigh in! I cannot handle getting on everyday and seeing either no movement or that 1/2 lb backwards when I know I have been complaint.

Good advise on here. Trust me!

Lee Ann
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