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Postby xalisax » July 26th, 2005, 4:56 pm

This is my 3rd day. Keep in mind I made it to my 3rd day before and gave up. I really want to do it this time but I really feel awful physically. I feel bloated and when I drink the shakes I actually gag during the process and can barely get them down. I'm just beginning to wonder if this is not for me. I so wanted to do this. I'm not used to drinking so much water and I really think its the water that is making me feel sick to my stomach. I hate to say this because its kind of yucky but I have had loose bowels all 3 days and I mean its pretty extreme. I just really feel worse now than I did before I started this and I'm beginning to think that it may be worth being overweight not to feel so bad each day. I don't even want to get out of bed because I don't look forward to what I have to go through during the day. I know this can be done because all of you are losing weight. I just feel Huge Right now (I guess because of all the water) and I just don't know what to do. Maybe some of you can share some of your experiences when you first started and I can compare some of my symptoms to see if its just that this plan is not going to work for me or not. I haven't give up yet but I"m really close.
Thanks Guys!
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Postby prata1973 » July 26th, 2005, 5:38 pm


Don't get discourged..think of the best is yet to come. I am just finishing my 4th day today and I have to say I feel great. I feel bad your experiencing such symptoms but from what I hear it's all normal. Not to be to personal but besides the occasional headache, I have only experienced constipation but some extra fiber tablets helped that if for some reason that happens to you. Yes, we have to make tough sacrafices in the begining but just think of the pay off in the end. I suggest reading the forums and looking at pictures of others it's very very inspirational! In your shakes have you tried adding extracts i.e. banana, almond, coconut?? I blend mine in a little blender w/ice, very cold water and some extracts and it spices up the flavor alot! As far as the you like crystal light b/c that can help if you don't like the taste of water. I really wish you the best of luck and hope you can get through these first days...I'll be thinking of you...

PS Don't mind the spelling errors in this I stink at that :D
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Postby 24KaratGold » July 26th, 2005, 5:48 pm

Hang in there! You've suffered through the worst of it, and it's just about over! C'mon, you can do it for another day. Do it!

Have you tried any of the products other than the shakes? You can eat five oatmeals, or five puddings, a day if you want - the protocol has changed and so you don't have to have a minimum of three shakes a day -- you can have NO shakes if you want. Do try doctoring them up a bit though with sugar free flavored syrups or such. I put some cinamon and nutmeg in the vanilla ones and it makes them yummy. And I've been known to eat the oatmeal three times a day.

Seriously, the first three days are known to be the worst, because your body is cleaning out all the garbage -- sugars, carbs, etc. If you make it through that -- and you just about have -- it DOES get better. Don't waste all that suffering when "the best is yet to be, grow [slim] along with me!"

Good luck, and hang in there.

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Giving Up

Postby Jan » July 26th, 2005, 6:15 pm

Hi Alisa,
Well it sounds like you are having quite a bit of trouble. :x Some people do have diarrhea the first few days. :x The meal replacements are full of nutrients -- which are good for you -- but it sounds like your system needs to adjust. I don't know why you are feeling bloated. Nancy may have some ideas. Is it very very warm where you live?? It's pretty hot where I am right now and we are all feeling a little "puffy" Generally with all that water you are drinking and the diarrhea we would worry about dehydration. There are lots of products as "24" said. Try some others and see -- You could also try the sugar free syrups and see if that helps. I like to mix my vanilla shake with either diet orange soda or diet rootbeer. It's a treat. As far as the advantages of losing weight -- they are tremendous and it is very much worth the initial troubles. I wrote a post called "Fat is where its at ....." which is rather grim and lists the problems associated with weight. If you need motivation to keep going read that. You'll make it. All these problems really don't last forever.
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Postby LeeannNH » July 26th, 2005, 6:41 pm

hi alisa

im sorry you are having a hard time. i hope you decide to hang in there...maybe give yourself 1 full week, then make the decision. i had a hard time my first few days...but i just came on here and read and saw very similar circumstances. i really hope that you see the same.

i know this is hard, and i know how hard it is to decide to make a change like this. its scary but after a few days it is exciting.

everyone here is so cool, just come here and read and post and read and post again! you can do this!!!!!


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Postby xalisax » July 26th, 2005, 6:56 pm

:shock: Ok its 9:43 pm and I only have 1 shake left to go and I have finished all of my water. I must say when opened this topic I was really discouraged. I keep telling myself that I CAN NOT QUIT!!!! I appreciate your ideas and your encouragement. It will really hurt me to quit and come back here later and see how skinny all of you have gotten without me. As far as the shakes and such go. Unfortunately I don't care much for the other supplements. The shakes are the best as far as I'm concerned. I ordered the chili and tried adding all kinds of stuff that people suggested here but I just couldn't eat it. I do like the bars but the downfall is that your only allowed one :( . I am a really picky eater anyway and in my normal life when I'm not trying to lose weight I really don't eat a whole lot anyway. Maybe that is why I feel so blaaaahhh! I feel like I'm stuffing things into my body that I'm not used to having there. I just get very little exercise and I guess the things I did put in my mouth were not exactly healthy. I also may have not been getting enough calories to make myself lose weight. Who knows, I'm not an expert but I do know I have done the weight loss thing before but I was a lot younger. Right after I had my first child I went on a plan that was sort of like this but you had a few more meals incorporated into your daily routine. I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight then with no problem. After getting pregnant with my second and just came back and never left me. What I"m saying I guess is that I have done it before and I know I can do. I just hope what you all say is true and that I will start feeling better soon. You all are proof that this does work. I'm gonna try to hang in there for a few more days and just take it day to day to see what happens. Also, I think my monthy is creeping up on me and maybe that accounts for the bloated feeling. I guess I just feel a lot more bloated than I normally would since I"m doing all this water. I'm afraid this week I won't see a difference on the scale due to that but hopefully I will soon.
Do any of you feel like your cheating when you eat your lean and green? I so feel like I"m cheating. I only have the allowed ounces of meat and I always eat some cooked vegies..usually, green peppers and a few onions or greenbeans.
Thanks for your encouragement guys!! Without you all I know I couldn't do it!
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Postby Nancy » July 26th, 2005, 8:30 pm

Alisa ~

You have had a rough three days, no doubt and thankfully it is about to end. There are some people who are lactose intolerant and the symptoms are as you have described: bloating, diarrhea, nausea and general yucky feelings. You could take some lactaid tablets – have two just prior to each shake. See if that comes to your rescue. Most people are able to stop taking them after several weeks on the program, once their body has adjusted to the soy and the shake nutrients.

For people who are lactose intolerant, we recommend the RTDs or the Medifast 70 shakes.

I am really sorry that you are feeling so lousy. Ain’t no fun feeling that way…
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Postby martha » July 26th, 2005, 8:36 pm


Hang in there girl.. It will get better.. I am sorry about all the problems you are having and wish I had the answers to make it all better.. Maybe it's just you having to adjust to the diet..I had just the opposite of your diarrhea and trust me it is worse.. be happy for the other one.. :mrgreen: You can do this..If I can anyone can.. please don't give up --we are here for you but you have to want to do it.. Sometimes the more you think it's not going to work -then it doesn't.. Don't think about it --Just do it.. I have the lean and green and that is what keeps me going and not miss the other things I have to wait to eat at goal.. Some weeks I just do the full fast-- it just depends..The water will make you more bloated at first but once your system gets use to it then you will feel better.. Tom has a way of making us feel bloated too. it will pass ..If you are doing the program then you are losing weight or inches.. Good luck this week and hang in there..I would hate to see you give up and wish you hadn't later on too.. We are here for you..Martha
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Postby mytime » July 27th, 2005, 9:51 pm

ALISA - I had Martha's problem so no help there. Honestly it took me about 10 days to feel like myself again. But it has been totally totally worth it. You are doing GREAT !!!!! And we want you here. Just take it one day at a time. Thinking of you, Mytime
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Postby buffybegood » July 28th, 2005, 9:41 am

Hi Alisa, I hope you are feeling better today. I didn't feel very well about the 3rd day....I am going through pre menopause...yuck...and my schedual is all mixed up. I thought it was the food making me feel funny, but it turned out TOM came early this month. I feel much better now knowing that. If you are not used to drinking alot of water, there might be a chance that your kidneys haven't caught up to the amount going in, so it is coming out another way...I bet that changes soon if you keep up the good work. What kinds of foods do you like? I love taco' I got some taco sauce from Taco Bell...and I put it in my did the trick as far as stopping the desire for junk food and it tasted great. I just started this, but am going to try a few more items like that from my favorite junk food places...taco sauce has 0 calories. Some of the others do have sugar,so I will have to check their websights to see if I can find out the calories in things. Maybe Nancy can give us some ideas about this, and if it is ok to do. I know its ok to put Salsa in is McDonalds hot mustard ok too? in small amounts? I hope you stick with it Alisa, we can do it all as a group helping each other...
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Postby Nancy » July 28th, 2005, 10:01 am

Hi, Buffy ~

I was wondering about Alisa, too.

I have used Taco Smell Taco Sauce on my Medifast Multi-grain crackers and pretended they were corn chips - I had them with my doctored up Medifast Homestyle Chili. Ole!

re: Mickey D's mustard - I really don't know what it's like, Little Darlin' as I don't do Mickey's...however, I DO use mustard. I have a large collection of mustard in our refer. Among my faves:

Trader Joe's Sake Wasabi Mustard 5 Cals/Tablespoon

Blue Heron Smoky Garlic Mustard 5 Cals/Tablespoon

Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard 5 Cals/Tablespoon

Grey Poupon Mild & Creamy 1 Cal/Tablespoon

I also use Dry Mustard and stir it up with vinegar, ginger, garlic, horseradish, etc.

Mustard makes a great dipping sauce for chicken and pork.

Read the labels, Kids!

Woeber's Hot & Spicy Whole Grain Stone Ground Sandwich Pal is a fave -it DOES have 10 Cals /Tablespoon
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Arizona Diet Green Tea

Postby bunnylady » August 9th, 2005, 5:30 pm

I drank a ton of Arizona Diet Green Tea before starting Medifast and weaned myself off of my daily cokes and chocolate mochas.( I drank my calories, rather than ingesting- I don't eat that much either) I am still drinking it and wanted to ask Nancy if its okay- I buy it at Wal Mart for $2.83 a gallon- it has 0 calories, 0 fat and 20mg of sodium and 0 carbs and protein.

I wanted to recommend it to others- this counts as "water" right- I have 3 glasses of water in my 3 daily shakes, at least 3 or 4 8 oz glasses of tea and then one or two glasses of water- I don't feel like I'm floating away

Also my family says we are "allergic" to chocolate- I have Irritabe Bowel Syndrome or IBS and chocolate always sets me off- when I started drinking the shakes of course Dutch Chocolate was my favorite and I was running to the toilet - If its gets bad I take Zelnorm- I thought this prescription to be for IBS with constipation but my doctor assured me it will help with GERD (reflux) AND diarrhea- so I take one a day and keep Immodium AD on hand for the "runs"

I've now got a new favorite- diet cherry coke from Sonic- uuummm- never thought I'd say that about diet cola's- I have a huge one everyday- my other question was do I have to drink more water if I have a diet coke
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Postby sprgrammy » August 9th, 2005, 8:31 pm

In a word......WATER!!!! LOL It is my understanding that diet sodas and tea do not count as water. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Getting started on Medifast and staying on it is a cleansing process the water really helps in flushing all of the nasty stuff out of our bodies. And helps us lose all of that fat faster. Drink you water kiddo. Blessings, carol
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Postby bunnylady » August 9th, 2005, 9:29 pm

This is cut/pasted from the FAQ section of the forum:

Do I need to drink a lot of fluids?

Drinking fluids helps your body be more efficient at eliminating the by-products of fat metabolism, keeping with more consistent weight loss.

What kinds of fluids are OK?

You may drink any liquids that are considered non-caloric. This includes hot or iced tea, coffee or decaf, diet sodas, Crystal Light, Diet Kool-Aid and instant broth or bouillon.

Should I worry about salt in bouillon?

No, it's fine to have extra salt. In fact, it might even make you feel better if you are somewhat tired or are feeling light-headed or dizzy. When you are on Medifast, your body loses water quickly, along with some of your electrolytes such as sodium. Your body will eventually get back in balance, but having extra salt, such as in bouillon, will help it do this more quickly.
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Postby KeleeGrl » August 10th, 2005, 5:59 am

About the tea...I don't think it counts as water because it has caffeine in it....maybe one decaffeinated, no sugar drink could be used for 8 ounces of your water, but then again I'm not sure....boy I was a lot of help :idontknow: lol....Anyways...hang in there....its definitely worth it!
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