by 24KaratGold » March 17th, 2005, 10:56 pm
All I want to do right now is eat. I'm not particularly hungry, but I'm feeling (childishly) deprived. I want more food, and I want it NOW. It's not that I want to binge, it's that I want to taste things that I haven't tasted in awhile. There are frozen blueberries calling my name. And not just those, but that sort of thing.
I am working on a work-related project on my laptop here at home right now, and as soon as I get it done (I'm taking a short break) I'm going to bed to try to ditch this thing. I have felt it coming since Sunday, when I told my family "I'm tired of doing Medifast. But I'm not tired of losing weight, so I guess I still have to do Medifast." (I think Aunt Flo may come to visit early next week, so maybe that is part of it.)
I've cheated today. Not outrageously, but a cheat is a cheat, right?
Today I've had: oatmeal and orange crystal light for breakfast around 7:30; a lemon bar at 10:30; chicken with wild rice soup at 1:30; a DC shake around 4:30; Medifast chili with Medifast crackers at 7:00; two scrambled eggs (no butter, Pam) with onion at 9:00, and just now I opened and ate a packet of the Medifast chicken salad. I've also had six of the little sweetened-with-Splenda gherkins (total 4 calories, 4 carbs), lots of water (about 85 ounces), ONE diet coke (I've weaned myself off all but one a day), and two cups of tea with one of those little pre-packaged thingies of half and half per cup.
I walked for maybe 25 minutes at lunchtime. (Funny, I bought four solid chocolate Easter bunnies on my walk, for my family's easter baskets, and there are Cadbury creme eggs in the kitchen. In years past I have looked forward to easter for the sake of the creme eggs, lol. Yet I have no desire to eat any of that; they are not calling my name.)
Yes I am stressed out, for any number of reasons.
Oh. And I had a half a teaspoon of crunchy peanut butter.
This is the worst I've been non-compliant since I started. I think my worst previous cheat was a hardboiled egg a couple of Sunday mornings ago.
I am sitting here wearing the green pants I tried so hard to get back in to (they are big on me now, and need a belt), and the 18W black shirt I bought at Nordie's last month to replace the 22W one I shrank out of. And I keep reminding myself of the black leather jacket, size XL, that I bought on Sunday, that needs me to lose about ten more pounds to be able to wear, without it looking way too tight.
And I haven't even mentioned the Italian suede halter top, size 14 (not 14W), that I bought with every intention of wearing this summer.
My birthday is in seven and a half weeks, and I had wanted to be below 200 by then. I don't think that will happen, but if I stay compliant I think I can be pretty darn close, and I keep thinking about that, too. I was a teenager the last time I weighed less than 200 pounds.
And I'm feeling just a bit lightheaded and dizzy at the moment.
This post is rambling, and that's not my usual style. I apologize.
And most of you are in time zones east of me, and long to bed by now. Sigh. I am going to go back to finish that project, and go to bed and try to tough this one out.
ETA: Yup, the "who's online" show's I'm the only one here. Guess I'll see y'all tomorrow.